Yandere-Chan X Fem!Reader

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I was a senior to Akademi High. I attended the school ever since I was a freshman. My little sister, (S/N) attends the school as well. I made friends and get good grades in all my classes. You can say I’m like any good student at the school. But before I attended, I heard stories about a girl in the school who was considered a complete psycho. That she almost killed someone because they looked at a boy she liked. But I thought it was just a false rumor. It was lunch time and I was sitting the roof.

(S/N): “(Y/N)! Onee-sama!”

I looked to see my little sister running towards me. She looked just like me except she had (e/c) eyes and shorter (h/c) hair. She was a lot smaller than me as well. I always loved her squeaky voice and child like smile. She was a freshman.

(Y/N): “Hey (S/N). How was your classes?”

(S/N): “Frustrating. The work is extra hard.”

(Y/N): “Just wait till you get to seniors. Then you will wish you were still in freshman.”

(S/N): “You’re just saying that because you’re trying to boost my ego.”

I chuckled at her comment. We both continue to eat our lunches. As we were talking to each other, I begin to start feeling unease. Like someone was watching me. I looked around to find no one looking at me. Maybe I am being paranoid.

Ayano Aishi POV

I watched (Y/N) eat lunch with her sister. Oh, (Y/N) senpai. Why won’t you notice me? We cross paths with each other but you don’t notice. You don’t see that I love you. The number of love letters I sent you, the number of people I killed for you because they flirt with you, and the students I framed  to get rid of my competition.

(S/N): “Onee-sama? Did you happen to hear those rumors about that girl who almost killed someone?”

(Y/N): “Yeah, I was just thinking about that.”

They must be talking about me. I didn’t almost kill her, I’m pretty sure I killed her. But that doesn’t matter anymore.

(S/N): “They say that afterwards, the guy left and never came back.”

(Y/N): “I hope he just transferred.”

Oh, senpai. I hate to say you are wrong. I killed him so I can only love you. And I will have you. I only have enough room in my heart for you.
Osama: “Hey (Y/N)-chan. I haven’t seen you this morning. But it’s not like I was waiting for you or anything.”

(Y/N): “Sorry. I didn’t know you were looking for me.”

Osama: “Anyways I want you to meet me after school. I want to tell you something.”

(Y/N): “Okay.”

What does that tsundere bitch want with my senpai? She better not do what I think she is about to do. I will kill her.

Back to you

I walked up to the sakura tree where Osama wanted to meet up. I wonder what she wants to say. I saw Osama walking up the hill and I waved. She smiled but stop smiling and put on her tsundere look.

(Y/N): “Hey Osama!”

Osama: “Baka! Stop being so loud!”

I laughed.

(Y/N): “Sorry. What did you want to tell me?”

Osama: “Don’t rush me, baka.”

There was a moment of silence before she continued talking.

Osama: “I l-like you.”

(Y/N): “Osama…..

Osama: “I’m not done! I know that I don’t show it but I have been in love with you since we  became friends.”

(Y/N): “I-I don’t know what to say. I like you too.”

Osama: “Are you sure?! Because I will punch you if you play with my emotions.”

(Y/N): “I’m serious. I like you.”

Osama was walking towards me but before she could get close, water splashed into Osama. It appeared to be a water balloon that hit Osama.

Osama: “What the hell? (Y/N)?!”

(Y/N): “It wasn’t me. It came from up there.”

I pointed to the rooftop but no one was there.

Osama: “Great. Now I’m soaked.”

I chuckled at Osama and decided to walk her home with my sister. She was shivering.

(S/N): “Why is Osama-chan wet?”

(Y/N): “Someone threw a water balloon at her.”

Osama: “Don’t tell her that, baka!”

(S/N) and I both laughed at Osama’s embarrassment.


I was walking to school. My sister decided to stay home because she didn’t do the homework. I didn’t see Osama today. Maybe she walked to school early today. I arrived at the schools and waited for the doors to open. A little later, no students came to school. I started to get worried. Do we even have school today? Nobody is even coming. The bell rung, signaling that it’s time for our first class. But the door were still closed.

I went to the gym and to my horror, I see a large pool of blood. I walked back out and was about to leave the campus until I bumped into someone. I looked up to see a girl with a black ponytail covered in blood. I seen her before when I walk to school. Every time I walked pass her, she acts weird.

(Y/N): “W-W-Who are you? Stay away from me!”

Ayano: “I’m Ayano but I go by Yandere-chan.”

I started to back away for the girl.

Ayano: “Wait senpai. I have to tell you something.”

(Y/N): “I am not your senpai.”

Ayano: “Yes you are.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her. She had a knife in her hand.

Ayano: “I know everything about you. Who you are, things you like, and things you don’t like. I watch you sleep. You are really cute when you are sleep~.”

(Y/N): “Get off me, you stalker.”

Ayano: “Aww, come on. You know I love you and you love me. And don’t say you love Osama because I took care of her. She will never come back ever again.”

(Y/N): “I don’t love you. I hate you. Leave me alone.”

Ayano’s eyes disappeared and only a dark shadow was over her eyes. She squeezed your hand tighter, making it impossible to get your hand free. She looked back up with a smile and kicked your legs, making you fall to the ground. She was still holding your hand.

Ayano: “If senpai won’t love me, then I have to make senpai love me.”

Ayano dragged you back to her house and locked you into her basement. You were tied up in the chair and ever so often she would come down to talk to you. She broke you to the point you can’t live without her.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now