Ayano Cafe au Lait X Athlete!Male!Reader

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I am Captain of the senior soccer team. I was the best player and was considered an MVP (Most Valuable Player). Because of me, we won more championship games than most teams from other schools. And of course with every team, we need a manager. Her name is Ayano Cafe au Lait. She had long dark brown hair with a green hair band. And she wore a white and green school uniform.

Couch: “(L/N)! Shows these rookies how you really play.”

I took the soccer ball and began to run down the field. There were 5 guys on the field. I dodged the other players and kicked the ball into the goal. Cheers were heard from the sidelines. Along with clapping.

Couch: “That is a prime example of what you should do on the field. You can learn a thing or two from (Y/N).”

I walked towards the bench and sat down.

Ayano: “That was amazing, (Y/N).”

(Y/N): “It's nothing. It was easy.”

Ayano: “Of course. Thanks to me being the manager.”

(Y/N): “Because without you, this team would be in the gutter.”

One of the cheerleaders walked over to me. She was smallest out of the other cheerleaders and was shy. She had short blue hair with blue eyes.

Aiko: “Hey (Y/N), I-I was wondering if you want to go on a date w-with me? I-It’s okay if you don't want to.”

I smile.

(Y/N): “I would like to go on a date with you. After school?”

Aiko: “S-Sure.”


How dare she ask my (Y/N) out on a date? She doesn't deserve him. He's mine!

(Y/N): “I would like to go on a date with you. After school?”

Rage boiled inside of Ayano as (Y/N) accepted the offer. She looked at Aiko. Unforgivable was the only thing she could think about.

Aiko walked away and was heading towards the girls changing room.

Ayano: “See you later, (Y/N).”

Ayano followed the girl into the changing room. There were other cheerleaders.

Kana: “Soo, what happened Aiko?”

Ayano stood behind a wall, eavesdropping on the conversation.

Aiko: “He said yes.”

The other cheerleaders gasped and congrats Aiko for her upcoming date with (Y/N).

Kana: “See Aiko? If all you had to do was ask him.”

Ayano walked into the room with the cheerleaders.

Kana: “Ayano, guess what? Aiko has a date with the Captain of the soccer team.”

Ayano: “That's great.”

Too bad you won't be there. And I'll make sure of it. Nobody is going to date (Y/N).

Timeskip (minutes later)

The other cheerleaders left and the only ones left were Ayano and Aiko. Ayano reached into her sock and grabbed a pocket knife. She walked towards Aiko and stabbed her in the back.

Ayano: “(Y/N) is mine!”



I was with the other players for our evening practice. The cheerleaders came out but Aiko wasn't with them. We proceeded with the training but Aiko still didn't show up.

(Y/N): “Has anyone seen Aiko?”

Kana: “She was in the changing room last.”

I walked into the girls changing room to find Aiko.

(Y/N): “Aiko?”

I walked around until I saw blood coming from one of the private stalls. I walked towards the stall and opened it to find Aiko dead.

(Y/N): “A-Aiko?!”

I heard laughter coming from behind me. I turned to find Ayano with a bloody knife.

Ayano: “Poor Aiko. If only she kept her distance away from you. She would still be breathing. Instead she lies dead on the floor.”

I stepped away from her slowly but she kept coming at me. I was backed into a wall.

Ayano: “I love you, (Y/N). It may be a little insane to show it this way but I had to prove it someway. I couldn't let her take you.”

I didn't have words. I was just thinking of a way to get out of  this mess.

Ayano: “I want you to remember me. To know who you belong to. To burn this image in your head.”

She took the knife and swung it near my head. It left a deep cut on my face.

Ayano: “When you see that scar, remember me.”

Ayano left through the back door.

Months later

I was staring in the mirror. The cut on my face left a deep scar. Everytime I look at it, it reminded me of Ayano. Her words repeating in my head. I stayed away from most people to prevent Ayano from killing them.

Years later

I was coming home from work. When I opened the door, I was greeted by my wife.

Wife: “Hello, honey. How was work?”

(Y/N): “Work was stressful but at least I get to come home to you, Ayano.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now