Yandere!Bridesmaid X Groom!Male!Reader

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I was fixing my suit in the mirror. Today was the day I was going to marry the woman of my life. Her name is Kim. She was my highschool sweetheart since 10th grade. We have been in a relationship for 10 years until I finally popped the question.

Brandon: “(M/N), are you in here?”

(M/N): “Yeah.”

My friend and best man, Brandon, looked at me and smiled.

Brandon: “Looking good, bro.”

(M/N): “Thanks.”

Brandon: “I can’t believe my best friend is getting married. Soon enough, you would have kids.”

(M/N): “Let’s not go too far.”

Brandon: “Ok, ok. Sorry.”

Leon: “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

Brandon: “Yo, Leon. (M/N) and I were just talking.”

(M/N): “My fiance is going to be my wife in just a few hours.”

Leon: “Yeah. And then afterwards, there’s going to be cake.”

Brandon: “Why do I have a feeling that’s the reason you came to the wedding. For free food and wine.”

Leon: “Isn’t that why everyone came to the wedding? For the food? Ha, just kidding. I came to see my friend get married to his one and only.”

These two are something.

Sarah’s POV

I was outside, mingling with the other guests. Kim was my friend in highschool. She didn’t know I had a crush on (M/N). I kept it to myself until both of them started dating each other. I tried so hard to break them up but all of my attempts backfired. (M/N) was mine and she took him away from me. She will pay.

Jenn: “Hey Sarah?”

Sarah: “Uh, yeah Jenn?”

Jenn: “Kim wants you to help her with her dress.”

Sarah: “Sure.”

As I walked off, I balled my fists and continued to walk towards the bride’s room. When I was at the front of the door, I wore a happy face and walked into the room.

Kim: “Hey Sarah. Glad you came. Can you help me with my dress?”

Sarah: “Sure. Anything for a friend.”

I walked towards Kim and helped her with dress. She was talking on and on about marrying (M/N). I was so fed up with her talking about it.

Kim: “This is the happiest day in my entire life. Can you do need a favor and grab the mirror?”

Sarah: “Sure.”

I walked towards the dresser to find a mirror. Next to the mirror, was a comb with a very sharp end to it. I grabbed the comb and walked towards Kim. I jabbed the comb’s end in her neck and whispered in her ear.

Sarah: “(M/N) is mine. You should've took my warning more seriously.”

Kim’s eyes widened and she tried to scream but I covered her mouth. She died and I started to hide her body in one of the larger wardrobes in the room. Before closing the room, I examined her body.

Sarah: “Hmm. The bride is looking good dressed in white….and red.”

I smiled to myself and closed the door. There’s going to be a new change to the wedding. (M/N) doesn’t know it but he will be marrying someone else. When I reached for the light switch, I realized that I had some blood on my sleeve. Whoops, I almost forgot.


(M/N) was mingling with the other men inside the garden. They were talking about today as any other groom would talk about. That is until Sarah walked in.

Sarah: “Hey (M/N). Kim wants you to go get some more wine.”

(M/N): “Huh? Why me? Why can't the caterer go get it?”

Sarah: “The caterer has bad taste in wine and she wants you to get it.”

(M/N): “Okay, but from where?”

Sarah: “She wants you to go near the supermarket.”

(M/N): “That's a pretty far drive. I guess I’ll go before it gets late.”

(M/N) rushed to his car and began to drive to the supermarket.

Now for a little rearranging, Sarah thought.



I finally got back from the supermarket. By that time, it was already nighttime. Who knew that the traffic was going to be completely crowded. I grabbed the box filled with wine bottles and walked back in through the garden. When I got there, something caught my eye. I saw a stain on the curtains. It looked like blood but it was probably spilled wine. I placed the box on the table beside the cake and sat down in one of the nearby chairs. I begin to realize that it was way too quiet. Nobody’s voice was heard. Not a peep. That is until music started playing. Is the wedding starting already? I walked to the room to only see pitch dark.

Sarah: “You're finally here, (M/N).”

(M/N): “Sarah?”

The lights came on and I was shocked at the scene in front of me. Everyone who attended the wedding was dead. They were all stabbed to death. Even mine and Kim’s parents. I tried not to cry but I was more angry than sad.

(M/N): “You killed them all! You murderer. Where is Kim?!”

Sarah: “You don't need her anymore because you are not going to marry her. You will marry me.”

(M/N): “Like hell I’m going to marry you.”

Sarah looked down and didn't say anything else. She started to laugh and pulled something out of the bouquet of flowers. It was a blood stained knife. I didn’t know what she was going to use with that knife but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I immediately left the area and started running to the nearby police station.


(M/N) was heading to a nearby police station. Which was pretty far from the alter. While he was running, he could hear the faint voice of Sarah saying wedding vows.

Sarah: “We have gather here today…..

(M/N): “What the hell is she saying?”

Sarah: “To bring these two lovers together in happiness…..

(M/N) felt chills down his spine.

Sarah: “Do I take (M/N) to be my lovely wedded husband….I do.”

(M/N): “How far is this police station?”

Sarah: “And (M/N)(L/N), do you take Sarah to be your lovely wedded wife…..

The footsteps behind (M/N) stopped. He turned around to find Sarah not chasing him anymore. He sighed in relief and was about to continue running until a knife was brought to his neck.

Sarah: “I do.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now