Ben Drowned X Fem!Gamer!Reader

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I was playing Mario on my N64. I played this game over a thousand times and I’m starting to get bored. I would go get some news games but there wasn’t a game store near. There was a knock at my door. Who is knocking at my door at 10 at night? I walked towards the door and looked through the doorhole. Nobody was there and I opened the door. I looked down to see a game cartridge on the ground. I picked it up and turned it around. It was a Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask game. It was in good condition. Why did someone leave a perfectly good game on my doorstep? For some reason, I felt a strange aura as I held the game in my hand. But I’m probably just being paranoid. I walked towards my game system and put the game in and started to play it. I noticed that there was already two saved files in the game. The files were ‘Ben’ and ‘Drowned.’ The names were strange but I just thought it was a joke. I clicked on the first file and was now walking around the level. One of the game characters walked towards me and said:

“You met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?”

I was confused about what they meant but I didn’t think much about it. I began to walk around the level some more until the screen went to black. What the hell? Next thing I knew, I was spawned into a different level. It seemed to be a glitch because the doors were ‘floating.’ Not only that but the music was playing in reverse in a creepy way. I walked up the ‘invisible’ stairs and was now in a level with 5 statues. One of the statues was a Link statute with a creepy face. When I moved my character, he suddenly caught on fire and died. The screen went black and the same Link appeared with the text saying:

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

I was now scared and tried to turn off the game but it won’t turn off. Instead the text changed.

“Ben is getting lonely.”

What is up with this game? Is this game cursed? I continued to try to turn the system off but it still didn’t work. I reached behind the tv and unplugged the wire that was connected to all the other wires. Finally, the game was off and screen was black.

Next day

I was in class, trying to stay awake. There was something from the game last night made me unable to sleep. If I could see my reflection right now, I would have bags under my eyes. Soon, I fell asleep in class.

Ash: “(Y/N)? (Y/N)?”

I slowly looked up to see Ash shaking me. He had concern in his eyes. I looked around to see everyone leaving the class.

Ash: “Are you okay? You have bags under your eyes the size of grocery bags.”

(Y/N): “It’s nothing, Ash. I just haven’t been getting much sleep.”

Ash: “Why?”

(Y/N): “I found this game at my doorstep last night. I played it and I think it is cursed or glitched or something. When I tried to turn it off, it wouldn’t turn off. I had to unplug my whole tv.”

Ash: “Maybe I should check it out with you. I am the master at solving glitches.”

(Y/N): “Okay.”

Timeskip (Nighttime)

Ash and I were in my living room. Ash brought a couple of our friends to assist him.

Ash: “You didn’t tell me you had a copy of Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.”

(Y/N): “That’s the game I was telling you about.”

Leo: “Dang, I was going to ask you to borrow it.”

Chris: “Thankfully, it's cursed.”

Ash put the game in the game system. the screen turned on, revealing the two saved files.

Ash: “Have these saved files been here before?”

I nodded. Ash clicked on the file named ‘Drowned.’ The same thing happened from last night. The music in the game was in reverse. The game started to glitch.

Leo: “This is giving me the creeps.”

The game completely shuts off and turns back on with a picture of what appeared to be Link from the game. We couldn’t see his face but a new text appeared on the screen.

“Time to play.”

Something jumped out the screen and disappeared afterwards. We all were shocked and scared.

Ash: “What was tha-

Before Ash could finish his sentence, the lights went out. Laughter could be heard from in the house along with faded footsteps. They sound like they were getting closer. When we looked at where the sound was coming from, we saw Link with a sinister smile in his face. He had red eyes that were staring into our souls.

Chris: “Hide!”

We all scattered around the house. I was hiding in a closet in the basement. I closed my eyes and steady my heart beat. I heard screams from upstairs and tried to hide even deeper into the closet. Link can be doing god knows what to my friends and I can’t save them. Instead, I’m hiding in the basement like a coward. I tried to drown out the screams until they stopped. Footsteps were walking down the stairs of the basement. I started to shake and shut my eyes tighter. The door opened and my eyes shoot open.


(Y/N) opened her eyes to see Link in front of her with the same smile from before.

Link: “Hello (Y/N). I’ve been wanting to talk to you ever since you turned on my game.”

(Y/N): “Who-what are you?”

Ben Drowned: “Well I look like Link but my name is actually Ben. Why don’t you come with me?”

(Y/N): “No.”

Ben Drowned: “Well, you don’t have a choice.”

Ben dragged (Y/N) out of the closet and walked back up stairs. He was walking towards the tv and (Y/N) spotted her friends who were brutally murdered and was disappearing in pixels. Ben turned on the game and walked into the tv with (Y/N). They both disappeared and never exited the game. You were now Ben’s new ‘Princess Zelda.’ 

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now