Female!Serial Killer X Male!Reader

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(G/F)= Girlfriend
(F/N)= Friend's name

I was a normal person living in Washington D.C. You think that living in here would mean that there will be safety for anyone but no. There was a serial killer on the loose and so far she has killed 12 people all female. The weird thing about it was that they happen to all go to the same college as me. I was worried that I would be next or some of my friends.

(F/N), (G/F), and I were at cafe, looking at the news. The police had found the 12th victim of this slaying and it was identified as Diana Jones, a senior at college and one of my classmates.

(F/N): “(Y/N), you think someone from our college killed those girls?”

(Y/N): “It’s possible. This isn’t a coincidence.”

(G/F): “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll be here for you. No matter what happens.”

(Y/N): “Thanks.”

I continued to look at the television. How can one person kill all these students? And what is their motive?

(G/F): “(Y/N). (Y/N).”

I snapped out of my daydream and look at (G/F).

(G/F): “Deep in thought again, (Y/N)? Don't think about those murders, sweetie.”

(Y/N): “I know but I’m worry that one of you will get hurt.”

(F/N): “Don't jinx us. Just kidding.”

(G/F) hugged me, reassuring that everything was okay. There was something about it that makes all the thoughts and doubts go away.

??? POV

There she is. Touching MY man, my boyfriend. The whore’s got the nerve to take him away from me. I should’ve killed her instead of Diana. But she was flirting with (Y/N). Nobody should have (Y/N) except me.


After I escorted my girlfriend to her house, I went home. I showered and hit the hay.

Next day

It was Saturday and I was going my usual Saturday plan. Watch television. As I was watching (favorite show), the news cut off the show. What the hell?! I was watching that.

Breaking News! The Washington serial killer strikes again. Another college student has been found stabbed to death with a katana. The victim was found stuffed into a garbage bag. The victim has been identified as (G/F).

My heart sank as I heard the news. (G/F) is dead? I can't believe it. Tears began to form in my eyes. I began to uncontrollably throw stuff across the room in a angry rage. My phone began to ring and I picked it up to (F/N) calling my phone. I immediately calmed down to answer the call.

(Y/N): “Hello?”

(F/N): “Oh thank god (Y/N). You have to help me! I think I know who know who killed (G/F). In fact, I think I know who killed the others. Oh no, please stay back please!”

(Y/N): “(F/N). (F/N)!”

The phone call ended and I was now worried about (F/N). The serial killer was now after him and I can't save him. Damnit!

???: “(Y/N)....

I began to hear a voice. A female voice.

???: “(Y/N).....

(Y/N): “Great. Now I’m hearing voices.”

???: “Why do you refuse to love me?”

Wait! I remember that voice. I turned around to see Ashley, a senior from the college. She had long dark hair and black eyes. She had a crush on me, I could tell. She was always the quiet one in the school, sat by herself, nobody talked to her. She was gripping the katana in her hand.

(Y/N): “Ashley? You’re the one that killed all these students?”

Ashley: “Yes.”

(Y/N): “But why? And why kill (G/F) and (F/N)?”

Ashley: “That whore didn’t deserve you. She was always in the way of our love and she would’ve took you away from me if I didn’t kill her. And that friend of yours was too annoying.”

(Y/N): “You still didn’t answer my question. Why the others?”

Ashley: “You know why. The way the flirted with you. They were trying to take you as well. I just eliminate the competition.”

Ashley began to walk towards me. She still had a blank and emotionless expression on her face. She held the katana near my neck.

Ashley: “And if I can't have you, no one can.”


Ashley thrust the katana in (Y/N)’s chest. (Y/N) was surprised about what she did. His body began to become cold. She pulled the katana out of him, making (Y/N) fall on the floor. He continue to clutch his chest and his vision begins to fade. Before he died, Ashley spoke words that will be stuck in his head even after dead.

Ashley: “Don't worry, (Y/N). We’ll be together in the afterlife.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now