[Requested] Circus Destiny X Security!Fem!Reader

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Requested by CircusDestiny. I don't own the character Circus Destiny.

Five nights at freddy’s reference(Kinda)

(Y/N) was a security guard for an indoor concert. She was in charge of making sure that people had their tickets when they enter the concert and when fights break out. It was a tough job but it was for easy pay. For the most part, (Y/N) could watch some of the performances.


Today was another concert but this one is different. A singer named Circus Destiny was performing tonight. The thing was that she was a Animatronic. There is rarely any animatronics that perform their songs here so it kinda surprised me. I heard of her and she is pretty popular to everyone so there's probably going to be a full house.


Many people came to the door and enter the concert. Everything went by smoothly with any disruptions.

(Y/N): “If only it was like this all the time.”

Circus Destiny: “Excuse me?”

I looked up to see a girl with wavy brown hair and rainbow eyes. Her outfit was kinda out of the ordinary for a customer.

Circus Destiny: “Do you know where the dressing room is at?”

(Y/N): “Who are you?”

Circus Destiny: “I'm Circus Destiny.”

(Y/N): “Oh, sorry. Right this way.”

I led Circus Destiny to the dressing room. On the way, I kinda wonder why the guards outside didn't help her. It's their job.

(Y/N): “Here's the dressing room.”

Circus Destiny: “Thank you…

She leaned forward to see my name tag.”

Circus Destiny: “(Y/N).”

(Y/N): “No problem.”



Circus Destiny was performing on stage. Everyone cheered and screamed random things in the crowd. (Y/N) was watching from the doorway. As she watched the performance, the song, (insert song), was getting catchy. (Y/N) slightly moved her head to the song and started to hum.


(Y/N) finished her shift and was about to leave until her boss stopped her.

Boss: “(Y/N)?”

(Y/N): “Yes?”

Boss: “I need you to stay overnight.”

(Y/N): “Why?”

Boss: “There's been complaints about things going missing after closing. I need you to monitor the cameras. Don't worry, you'll get paid for this.”

(Y/N): “Sure. I guess.”

(Y/N) walked towards the camera room and sat down in front of the cameras. She sat back and watched.



I was watching the cameras as I moved them around. There was no sign of anyone breaking in concert. It was empty. As I continued to move the cameras, the lights cut off, leaving the whole place in pitch dark. I turned on the cameras on night mode. A figure came out of nowhere.

(Y/N): “What was that?”

A flashlight shined near the camera. It prevented me from seeing anything but I managed to see a badge. My walkie talkie was on.

Jim: “(Y/N)?”

I grabbed the walkie talkie and responded.

(Y/N): “Hey Jim.”

Jim: “Staying after hours, huh?”

(Y/N): “Yeah.”

Jim: “Well, you'll get used to it. It's for 5 hours.”

A another figure zipped through the camera. Footsteps were heard along with laughter.

(Y/N): “Uh, Jim?”

Jim: “Yeah?”

(Y/N): “Do you work alone on the night shift?”

Jim: “Yeah, why?”

(Y/N): “I think someone else is there with you.”

Jim started to freak out and run towards the camera room where I was at. The sound of his walkie talkie hitting the floor was heard along with the sound of someone being dragged.

(Y/N): “Jim? Jim?”


Someone picked up the walkie talkie as (Y/N) tried to get Jim to respond. They began to breathe, sending chills down (Y/N)’s spine.

The cameras were cut off and was only static.

???: “Come find me, (Y/N).~”

(Y/N) grabbed her flashlight and began to search for Jim. She didn't get far before she was knocked out cold.


(Y/N) woke up to find herself tied to a chair. She was still wearing her uniform. It had blood on it from the impact.

Circus Destiny: “I hope I didn't hit you too hard.”

(Y/N) looked up slowly to see her captor smiling at her.

(Y/N): “Circus Destiny?! Where am I? Why am I tied up?”

Circus Destiny: “You are in my mansion.”

(Y/N) tried to free herself from the rope but it didn't work. The rope was too tight.

(Y/N): “Why are you doing this?”

Circus Destiny: “Because I love you and I had to have you for myself. You are mine.”

(Y/N): “What did you do to Jim?!”

Circus Destiny: “Jim? Oh, Jim. I killed him.”

(Y/N): “Why?! He didn't do nothing wrong.”

Circus Destiny: “Because silly. If I let him live, he would call the police and they would take you away from me. I didn't want that to happen. For now on, you will be with me. Forever and ever.”

(Y/N) was never heard from afterwards. Circus Destiny kept her in a place where nobody would ever find her.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now