Mikoto Suoh X Fem!Reader

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Requested by Kira_Suoh


(Y/N) was a your average school girl. She gets good grades and had friends. But lately she hasn't been herself. She has been paranoid and in fear of her life. Recently, every time she goes out, people in red clothing would watch her and some would follow her. She didn't know why but she didn't know who to go to. So she went to her close friend Yashiro Isana.

Yashiro: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yashiro. I need your help."

Yashiro: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "I think someone is after me. Every time I leave the house, some guys in red clothing keep following me."

Yashiro sighed and walked towards the wall.

Yashiro: "(Y/N)....there is something I have to tell you."

(Y/N): "What?"

Yashiro: "I didn't want to tell you this but it seems as if I have no choice. I'm apart of some war. I am the Silver King. And I believe that you are being followed by the third king's men."

(Y/N): "Who is the third king?"

Yashiro: "The red king, Mikoto Suoh."

(Y/N) started to panic. Why does this king want with me?

(Y/N): W-Why would he send his men on me? Does he want to kill me or did I do something wrong?"

Yashiro: "I don't know but now that I know this, I think you need to go into hiding."

(Y/N): "How? They know where I live!"

Yashiro: "Calm down, (Y/N). You can stay with me."

(Y/N): "Don't you have any servants or henchmen with you? You ARE a king."

Yashiro sighed at (Y/N)'s complaining. He reassured (Y/n) that everything will be okay ad that she had nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile elsewhere

Mikoto was laying in his bed, catch some z's as always. His henchmen came in to see him asleep. They were about to leave until Mikoto's shot wide open.

Mikoto: "What is it?"

Henchman 1: "Uh, we spied on the girl just as you asked."

Mikoto: "And?"

Henchman 2: "We think that she went into hiding. We haven't seen her come out of her house for quite some time. We think she caught on to what we were doing."

Henchman 1: "A-And she was talking to some guy."

Mikoto's eyes darkened as he heard those words. Some low life punk is trying to steal MY queen. How dare they! You think that sending a message was enough to scare them off. They are probably trying to steal her away from me right now.

Mikoto: "What does this guy look like?"

Henchman 1: "Uh, lets see. He had white hair and amber like colored eyes."

Mikoto: "That is the Silver king."

Mikoto got out of bed and quickly put his clothes on.

Mikoto: "Come on."

Henchman 2: "Where are we going , sir?"

Mikoto: "Where do you think? We're going to kidnap her. I don't have time to sit here and be patient."


Yashiro allowed me to stay in his house until Mikoto's men stop trying to hunt me down. While I was there, he explained about the war he was in.

(Y/N): "And you were framed for killing someone?"

Yashiro: "Yep."

(Y/N): "And they didn't believe you?'

Yashiro: "Nope. Trust me. The number of times I tried to convince them, they wouldn't believe me."

(Y/N): "Well....I believe you."

Yashiro: "Thanks."

All of a sudden, the door busted open and a figure walked through the door. A man with red hair glared at both of us.

Mikoto: "I believe that you have something of mine, Silver king."

Yashiro: "Mikoto.."

Yashiro stepped in front of me and got into a fighting stance. He looked back at me and whispered:

Yashiro: "When I tell you to, run."

I nodded. Yashiro lunged at Mikoto to distract him from me.

Yashiro: "Run!"

I ran out the house. I didn't know where I was heading but I know that I have to get out of here.

Mikoto: "After her!"

I was heading to the park, hoping people would be there to help. But nobody was at the park. Great. Just my luck. I stopped running when I hit a dead end in a alleyway. I turned around to see the two henchmen lurking towards me.

Henchman 1: "Now don't fight missy. If you come with us without trouble, we won't have to knock you out."

I looked to the side to see a pipe. I quickly grabbed it and faced the two.

(Y/N): "You're going to have to take me over my dead body."

The two henchmen ran towards me. I held the pipe in the air and swung at them, aiming at their heads. I hit both of them in the head, knocking both of them out cold. I stood there for a few minutes, making sure they weren't going to wake up.


Clapping was heard from the distance. (Y/N) looked ahead to see Mikoto clapping. He had a murderous smile on his face and was covered with blood.

Mikoto: "I made the right choice. Strong and beautiful."

(Y/N) clenched the pipe.

Mikoto: "Don't be tense."

He held his hand towards (Y/N).

Mikoto: "Come."

(Y/N): "Like hell I'm going with you! You killed Yashiro."

Mikoto pulled a head from behind him, revealing it to be Yashiro."

Mikoto: "Hah, this guy? You think that this guy would win against me?!"

Mikoto started to laugh. Anger boiled in (Y/N) and she ran towards Mikoto with the pipe. In reflex, Mikoto kicked (Y/N) to the side, causing her to crash into the wall.

Mikoto: "If you want to live, I suggest that you don't fight back."

(Y/N) blacked out.


(Y/N) woke up in a bed. She tried to move but realized that someone was hugging her. She looked in the corner of her eyes to see Mikoto sleeping. She was trying to get free from Mikoto's grip. She slipped under his arms. Thankfully he is a heavy sleeper. (Y/N) tiptoed towards the door, looking back constantly to see Mikoto still sleeping. She reached for the doorknob and quickly slips through the bedroom door. For the rest of the trip to the front door, she ran.


When she reached the doorknob, a hand covered her mouth and a sword was brung under her neck. Mikoto pulled her against himself and stroked her cheek with his thumb. (Btw he is shirtless) Mikoto chuckled at her attempt to leave. He started to play with her (h/l)(h/c) hair.

Mikoto: "It's funny how you tried to escape. But you can't escape me. I love you and you leaving me is just only going to make matters worse. I have eyes everywhere. Wherever you go, I will be right behind you. this is your home now."

He leaned into (Y/N)'s face and kissed her cheek.

Mikoto: "My queen."

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now