Sayori X GenderNeutral!Reader

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I was getting ready for another day at Doki Doki Academy. I lazily put on my uniform and brushed my teeth. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster and dashed to the door. To my surprise, Sayori was waiting for me on the porch. Usually I had to wake her up so we don't be late.

Sayori: "(Y/N)! You're finally up. I've been waiting for you."

(Y/N): "Well that's a first."

Sayori: "Come on. We have to get to school."

Sayori latched onto my arm. This surprised me a little and she started to drag me to school. As we walked down the street, I recognized a familiar figure in the distance. It was Monika.

(Y/N): "Hey Monika!"

The brunette turned around at the sound of my voice and smiled at me while giving me a small wave. I was about to walk towards her until I was yanked back by Sayori. I turned around to see her looking at me with dark eyes.

Sayori: "Don't go near her."

I looked at Sayori slightly shocked and jerked my arm out of her grip. What did she mean by Don't go near her? I brushed it off and walked towards Monika. I asked her if she wanted to walk to school with us and she nodded her head as an answer. Sayori was hot behind my trail and continue to latch onto my arm like she was going to float away at any minute.

Timeskip (Literature club)


(Y/N) walks into the literature club and was greeted by Yuri, who was making tea by the teacher's desk.

Yuri: "Hello (Y/N). Would you care for a cup of tea?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

(Y/N) placed their bag on the desk and walked towards Yuri. Yuri pours the hot liquid into one of the teacups and placed the kettle back down on the desk.

Yuri: "C-Careful. It's pretty hot."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Monika and Natsuki walked into the clubroom and placed their bags onto the other desks in the room.

Monika: "Sorry I'm late. I was in study hall and I lost track of time."

(Y/N) sipped the tea and looked at Natsuki.

(Y/N): "And what was your excuse, Natsuki?"

They playfully grin at the pink haired tsundere as she huffed at them. Yuri and Monika chuckled at their comment.

Natsuki: "Well since you want to know so badly, I was making sure that the cupcakes I made were okay. But after your little comment, you're not getting any."

(Y/N): "D-Don't be like that Natsuki! I was just joking."

The four continued to talk at the teacher's desk. Sayori walked into the class and looked around for (Y/N) only to find them talking to the others. She stared at the group.

'Why are they talking to them? They should be talking to me and me only. Not with Natsuki, Yuri, or Monika. Especially Monika, Sayori thought.

Monika was known to be the most bold out of the four girls. And because of her being popular, there is no surprise that she would be the crush of many students in the school. For the rest of the club, (Y/N) was with the other girls.


Sayori walked upstairs in her room and closed the door. She opened the drawer next to her bed to pull out some rope. Holding the rope in her hand, Sayori looked at it while thinking of ways to have (Y/N) for herself.

'If I kill everyone in the club, (Y/N) would only want to be with me. They would have no choice but to pick me. They will all be out of the way and nobody will ever interrupt us ever again."

Sayori laughed at her own thoughts and began to plot out her ways of killing her fellow club members.

Next day

(Y/N) walked the hallways to the last meeting of the club. The festival was coming up soon and they were going to help Monika hang flyers around the school. When they reached the clubroom, it was empty.

(Y/N): "Odd. Somebody should be here by know. Maybe they are running late."

(Y/N) sat in one of the chairs and waited for the others. Time passes by and the others still haven't showed up. (Y/N) checked their watch and groaned impatiently.

(Y/N): "They probably cancelled it. Monika would usually give me a heads up beforehand."

(Y/N) grabbed their bag and was heading out.

Sayori: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Sayori? Where were you? I was about t-

(Y/N)'s words were cut at the sight of Sayori's uniform being covered in blood. They took a step back and look wide eyed at the scene in front of them.

(Y/N): "Why are you covered in blood?"

Sayori: "Well I was just handling some business that needed to be done."

(Y/N): "Where are the others?"

Sayori: "The others? Oh, you mean the other girls. Well a little bird told me that something unfortunate happened to them. Yuri and Natski had to 'cut' school today for an emergency. And Monika was 'hanging' around somewhere off campus."

(Y/N) read between the lines and understood what Sayori meant. They only thought of the worst.

(Y/N): "You killed them, didn't you?"

Sayori: "Aww, I thought I would surprise you with it. You're not fun."

(Y/N) was creeped out at Sayori's playful tone as she admitted that she killed the other girls. (Y/N) ran out the clubroom, dropping their bag in the process. They ran out the school and continue to run aimlessly. Sayori was following right behind them. They reached their home and locked the door and shut the windows. They breathe heavily and tried to stay calm.

(Y/N): "Sayori killed them. She killed them all. She's probably going to kill me next."

A rope went around (Y/N)'s neck as they reached their hands to the rope to reduce the pressure. They looked into the corner of their eyes to see a smiling Sayori.

Sayori: "I found you.~"

(Y/N) blacked out.


I opened my eyes and looked around. It was Sayori's room. I tried to move my arms and legs but they were tied to the bed. I was still in my uniform but my blazer was on the floor. Sayori opened the door and smiled.

Sayori: "You're up!"

(Y/N): "Let me go, Sayori. We can just forget that any of this happened. I don't know anything and you don't either."

Sayori: "I'm not that easy to fool, (Y/N). I know if I let you go, you will tell someone what happened to the others. But it's not like you will be going anywhere anytime soon. I'm going to take care of for the rest of our lives. That way, you will only have your eyes on me and I will have my eyes on you. Now everyone can be happy."

Author-chan: "Just Sayori."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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