Yandere!Female!Kidnapper X Male!Reader

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(M/N) slowly opened his eyes to only be greeted by darkness. He was nauseous and his head was still spinning. He squinted his eyes and tried to look around the room. By the look and temperature of the room, it must be the basement. He tried to move his arms and legs but he couldn't move them. Not even a inch.

Where am I?

A door from the ceiling opened, showing a flight of stairs. A figure walked towards him slowly. The hairs on (M/N)'s neck stood up as it got closer. Once it got close to him, the figure placed their hand on (M/N)'s cheek. They stared at him with dark purple eyes.

Eimi: "So you're finally up, my love."

(M/N) tried to speak but his mouth was covered with duct tape.

Eimi: "You look like you want to speak. I'll take the tape off just this once."

Eimi reached over and took the duct tape off of (M/N)'s mouth, ripping whatever mustache he had off.

(M/N): "Who....are....you...."

Eimi looked slightly offended at (M/N)'s question and smiled.

Eimi: "Silly (M/N)-kun~. I'm Eimi. You don't remember me? I must've used too much of that medicine."

(M/N)'s mind came out the fog and he was now aware about what was going on. He realized that he was kidnapped by Eimi and his eyes widened. He immediately started to scream only to get slapped by Eimi.

Eimi: "There was a reason why I kept the tape on your mouth. Now I'm regretting on taking it off."

(M/N): "Let me go!"

Eimi: "Oh, (M/N)-kun. I can't let you go. If I do, you will fall in love with someone else. I love you."

(M/N): "And I don't!"

Eimi was tooken back by (M/N)'s comment.

Eimi: "Y-You're not thinking straight. It's probably the medicine I gave you."

(M/N): "No! I mean it. I don't love you!"

Eimi stared at (M/N) with dull eyes. Behind her was a needle full with a sedative and walked even closer to (M/N). She jabbed the needle in his neck and injected him with the sedative.

Eimi: "I didn't want to do this but you're not acting correctly. Maybe a nap will help. See you later, my love."

(M/N)'s vision began to become blurry and he passed out.


(M/N) was walking around with his friends on campus. They were chatting with one another until they saw (M/N)'s crush, Ayako. They smiled evilly and started to mock (M/N) about it.

Masato: "Look who it is, (M/N)."

Nobu: "Go talk to her before I do."

(M/N): "You wouldn't."

Nobu: "Try me."

(M/N) rushed towards Ayako and smiled sheepishly.

(M/N): "Hey A-Ayako. I..uh...can I meet you behind the school after school? I have to tell you something important."

Ayako: "Ok (M/N)-senpai."


(M/N) was sweating bullets as he tried to find the right words to tell Ayako. He could tell that Ayako was getting slightly impatient and decided to blurt out anything that came to mind.

(M/N): "I love you! I-I have for quite some time. I didn't know if you would like me or not but.....you don't know until you try."

Ayako grabbed both of (M/N)'s shoulders and gave him one of her significant smiles. She gave his lips a peck.

Ayako: "I love you too. I've had a crush on you every since freshman year. I just didn't know how to tell you."

(M/N) grabbed Ayako's waist and pulled her close to him. He planted a kiss on her lips and Ayako pulled him even more into the kiss. Little did the two lovers know, Eimi was watching them from a distance. She was shocked at the scene in front of her and sent death glares at Ayako.

3 months later(Still flashback)

(M/N) and Ayako were strolling down the streets in the dark night, hand in hand. They were heading to a movie for their date. Eimi was following behind them with a small purse. Inside that purse was a full kit of 'How to kill your senpai's current lover and kidnap him for yourself.' The couple decided to take a shortcut down a dark alley. This was the time for Eimi to strike. Eimi pulled a knife out and dash towards Ayako at full speed. She plunged the knife into Ayako's back, causing her to almost let out a scream. Ayako fell lifeless on the floor with the knife still in her back. (M/N) looked at Ayako and immediately started to fend off his attacker. Eimi tried to not hurt (M/N) in anyway but he was too stubborn to stop. She grabbed the needle in her purse and jump on his back, sticking him with the needle filled with a sedative. His movement began to slow down and soon he collapsed on the ground. Eimi smiled at the half sleeping form of her crush and took him back to her place.

Flashback end


(M/N): "Ayako!"

I jolted up wide eyed. I remember everything. I remember what happened and how I got here. Eimi killed Ayako and injected me with the same drug from earlier. I have to get out of here. I began to move my arms and hands. It seems as if the rope is a lot looser than earlier. I wiggled my hands through the openings and managed to get my arms free. I started to work on the rope on my legs.

Eimi: "(M/N)-kun!~"

I paused at Eimi's voice and fastened my pace on the ties. When I got done, I ran behind the stairs and hid there. The door opened and Eimi walked down the stairs. A gasp escaped her mouth at the sight of me not being in the chair.

Eimi: "(M/N)-senpai? Where have you gone? You could've gone too far. I'll find you."

My heart was beating as she walked down the stairs. The blonde reached the bottom and began searching for me. When she was away from the stairs, I quietly made my way up the stairs and sprint towards the front door. I tried to open it but it seemed to be locked from the inside.

(M/N): "Damnit."

Eimi: "Senpai..."

I turned around at the source of the voice. A sharp pain hit my stomach and I look down. I immediately grabbed the knife that was in my stomach and pushed Eimi away. I pulled it out and dropped it on the floor while trying to find another exit in the house. After finding the back door, I stumbled onto the lawn because of the unbearable pain in my stomach.

Eimi: "Ah senpai. I don't know why you are trying to escape. There is nothing out there for you. That is why I wanted to keep you here. I don't want you going out with noone else besides me. But since you disobey my rules, I have to make sure you never be with anyone else."


Eimi kicked (M/N) to the side so he was facing upwards. She sat on top of him and brung the knife down on his chest. She dragged the knife down and there beating in his chest was his heart. She pulled it out and kissed it. (M/N) has already dead. Eimi sighed in frustration.

Eimi: "Now nobody else would have your heart besides me."

Author-chan: "Sorry for this super late update. I'll try to update more in the future.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now