Hinata (Charon)X Male!Reader

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Hinata and Honoka are characters from a Charon rpg called Yanderella. I don't own none of these characters.

I was new to a town in Japan. My family previously lived in London but we moved because my dad found a job in Japan that pays more. I had to leave my friends and school just to come here. I usually didn’t get along with my family but I learn to cope with it. For now. I was unpacking the boxes and luggage from the taxi until two voices were heard from the distance.

Hinata: “Hey!”

Honoka: “Hinata, you don’t have to run. You’re so annoying.”

I turned around to see two girls. One of them had a white dress with short blue hair with blue eyes. The other girl had a brown shirt with a black skirt. She had red eyes and medium length red hair. The two were running towards my direction.

Hinata: “Hey, are you new to the neighborhood?”

(Y/N): “Yeah. I just got here.”

Honoka: “Oh my god, Hinata. He just got here and you are already getting on his nerves.”

Hinata: “Honoka, you are so funny. Anyways, what is your name?”

(Y/N): “Uh, (Y/N).”

Hinata: “Nice to meet you, (Y/N)-kun. I’m Hinata and this is Honoka.”

(Y/N): “Hi Honoka. Hi Hinata.”

Honoka: “Hey.”

Hinata: “So (Y/N)-kun~. Do you want to hang out with us?”

(Y/N): “Well, uh.”

(D/N): “(Y/N), are you okay out here? Who are these girls?”

(Y/N): “This is Honoka and Hinata.”

(D/N): “Are these two your girlfriends? My son’s becoming a man.”

(Y/N): “Dad?!”

(D/N): “I’m kidding. Go with your friends.”


I was sitting in the train with the girls. We were going to the amusement park that recently opened not too long ago. As I was sitting there, Hinata was very close to me. She was hugging my arm and putting her head on my shoulder. I looked at Honoka and she looked away from me, blushing. We soon arrived at the amusement park. Hinata dragged me from ride to ride with Honoka right behind us. We were about to go on a ride until she stopped midway.

(Y/N): “What’s wrong Hinata?”

Hinata: “(Y/N)-kun? Do you believe in the Cinderella story?”

(Y/N): “What’s with the sudden question?”

Hinata: “I’m curious. In the story, Cinderella went to the ball and met her prince charming. After that, Cinderella married her prince charming and they lived happily ever after. Do you believe in a happily ever after?”

(Y/N): “I don’t know.”


We were heading home after a long day at the amusement park.

Honoka: “Hey (Y/N), I want to talk to you. Can we find somewhere to talk alone?”

(Y/N): “Uh, sure.”

I looked at Hinata.

Hinata: “Well, I guess I’ll be heading home. See you two later.”

Hinata said her goodbyes and left me and Honoka alone. We went to the pier near the town and was in front of the sea. Honoka hasn’t talked to me much since we were out, well more like she hasn’t had the chance because Hinata was ‘hogging’ and pulling me around like I was going to float away like a balloon.

Honoka: “Listen, (Y/N). I know that I haven’t been able to talk to you today. I have something to say. But it’s not like I was desperately waiting to tell you this or anything.”

(Y/N): “Ok.”

Honoka: “I like you. A lot. And I was hoping that we can be a couple.”

(Y/N): “Wow, Honoka. I never knew you liked me. To tell you the truth, I like you too.”

Honoka: “So is that a yes or what?”

(Y/N): “Yes.”

Honoka stood still. She looked at me with lifeless eyes. I was confused on what was going on until a wave of red splashed onto my face. I looked to see Honoka split into two straight down the middle. I stepped back at the scene before me. When I looked up, I saw Hinata covered in blood with what appeared to be a blade in her hand. The light she always had in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with dull emotionless eyes. She didn’t even flinch when she saw what she did to Honoka.

Hinata: “(Y/N)-kun, why? Why do you love Honoka and not me?”

I was too shocked to answer. I felt like I was on mute. The only thoughts floating in my mind was for me to run. My feet started moving but I was still in shock. Before I knew it, I was running away at fast speed. I looked behind to see Hinata running after me. I continued to run into forests and was soon in the valleys.

Hinata: “Why run, (Y/N)-kun? You are going to run out of breath eventually. And then I will catch you~.”

She was right. I was struggling to keep my breathing steady. I was about to pass out. But then I made a mistake. I tripped over a branch and fell into the snow. I looked up and tried to move but Hinata was already above me. She looked at me with a psychotic smile.

Hinata: “I caught you.”

I tried to move but my body wouldn’t let me.

Hinata: “Now to make sure you don’t run away. This is for your own good.”

Hinata took the katana and started cutting my feet off. With one slice, my foot was completely off. She did that same with the other foot and laughed. I screamed in pain.

Hinata: “Now you can’t move. Too bad we can’t have a ball out here in the snow. So (Y/N)-kun, do you believe in Cinderella?”

Why is she asking me this question like this is a normal conversation. She just cut my feet off. Now the once sweet girl was now a complete psycho. And is now trying to convince me that she has the Cinderella ending.

Hinata: “Hey (Y/N)-kun? Did you know that someone can survive without their arms and legs? I want to test that theory. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you forever.”

Hinata started to cut my legs and arms off. I was only a torso with blood pouring out of the areas where my limbs were. How am I still alive at this moment?

Hinata: “Why don't you love me like you said you love Honoka?”

(Y/N): “How can I love you if you just cut off my limbs?!”

Hinata: “You can use forgiveness? I just wanted my happily ever after. Get married, have children but she ruined it. Why didn’t you choose me? Why didn’t you choose me?! This is your fault? Yes, this is all your fault?!”

Hinata took the katana and cut (Y/N)’s head off. It rolled on the snowy ground, turning the white snow dark red. Hinata stood over a torso with severed limbs and a severed head. She took (Y/N)’s head and took it back to her house. I guess I have to make the most with just your head.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now