Mikoto X Male!Reader Pt.2

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2 months later

It has been 2 months since I’ve been in a relationship with Mikoto. She’s been acting strange ever since I discovered her closet. Mikoto invites me over her house but now she is keeping an eye on me 24/7. She’s making sure I don’t go to her room. I wonder what is in that closet anyways. What disturbing thing is in that closet?

Matarou: “(Y/N), what’s wrong?”

(Y/N): “It’s Mikoto. She is hiding something from me.”

Matarou: “What is she hiding?”

(Y/N): “I don’t know but she is hiding something in her closet. She won’t let me see what is inside.”

Matarou: “Maybe you don’t need to know.”

(Y/N): “But I also saw blood in her parents’ room.”

Matarou: “Blood? Why would there be blood in her parents’ room?”

(Y/N): “I don’t know. I never met them. It seems like they are always ‘out.’ Yukimaru must’ve ignored all of it.”

Matarou: “Yukimaru? Man, I have never heard that name before in a while.”

(Y/N): “What do you mean?”

Matarou: “Ever since Yukimaru broke up with Mikoto, he never came back to school. The police and his parents searched for him and they gave up the search. It was like he ran away and never came back.”

(Y/N): “What? Do you think that Mikoto has something to do with Yukimaru’s disappearance.”

Matarou: “It could be possible. It all points back to her.”

Little did Matarou and (Y/N) know, Mikoto was watching them from the distance. Matarou is putting accusations in my boyfriend’s mind. Making him think that I am the bad guy. Poor little (Y/N) probably thinks that it’s all true.

(Y/N): “Mikoto probably wants me to come over her house.”

Matarou: “I’ll come with you. We can settle things straight and find out what is in that closet.”

(Y/N): “Yeah.”


I arrived at Mikoto’s house. I was waiting on the street for Matarou to arrive. A black car came to a stop and both doors opened in the front. It was Matarou and someone else.

(Y/N): “Matarou, who is this?”

Matarou: “This is Arata. He is a friend of mine.”

Arata: “You must be (Y/N). Nice to meet you.”

(Y/N): “Hey. Why do we need Arata here?”

Matarou: “He is an expert at martial arts. Not only that but he is a undercover cop posing as a teenager. We might need him.”

(Y/N): “How did you get a undercover cop?”

Matarou: “I have my ways. And also I told him that this could be a break in the case in Yukimaru and Mikoto’s parents disappearance.”

(Y/N): “Mikoto’s parents disappeared?”

Arata: “Correct. Both of her parents haven’t showed up for work in 6 months. We filed a missing person’s report but we never thought their daughter could be a suspect until Yukimaru vanished. Then we decided to connect the dots and they all had something in common.”

Matarou: “Which is?”

Arata: “They all disappeared near or in the residence. We must make haste.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now