Fiancee!Sakurako X Detective!GenderNeutral! Reader

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Gender Neutral oneshot


(Y/N) was looking over the files of a case they were working on. They were working on a double murder case alongside their fiancee Sakurako. A knock on the door gained the stressed out detective's attention. It was Sakurako with a file in her hand.

(Y/N): "Do you have the results from the crime lab?"

Sakurako: "Yes. From the bones, we can determine that both the victims were hit with a blunt weapon. By the pattern, it is a tire iron."

(Y/N): "I have a feeling that whoever killed them must be either a mechanic or someone who works on cars. Thanks, Sakurako."

Sakurako: "Anything for you, love."

Sakurako gave (Y/N) a peck on the cheek.

(Y/N): "By the look of the crime scene, there isn't a break in and nothing was stolen so we can rule out robbery. I'll have to look at their background and see if there is any red flags in their past. Maybe there is something that led to their deaths. And these injuries, this is personal."

Sakurako: "Look at you. Being the best detective in Japan."

(Y/N) smirked at her comment.

(Y/N): "I wouldn't take it that far. I'm just doing my job like everyone else."

Sakurako: "But you do it so well."

There was another knock on the door. It was one of the rookie detectives.

Emiko: "Detective (L/N), may I speak with you for a moment?"

(Y/N): "Sure. Sakurako, can you leave us alone for a second?"

Sakurako glared at Emiko and left the room without saying anything.

Emiko: "I looked at the couple's background and you can say that they both didn't have a clean sheet. They both were arrested 25 years ago for robbing banks. They only served 10 years for accepting a plea deal. After that, they were arrested again for breaking into their neighbor's house and stealing fifteen thousand dollars. Unfortunately, the charges were dropped and the victim was not pleased by this."

(Y/N): "You just spared me a lot of time. Where will I be without you, Emiko?"

Emiko: "No need to praise me. I learned how to do this from watching you."

The two laughed while Sakurako was sending death glares towards Emiko. The ravenette growled and walked away from the office. This caused (Y/N)'s attention and they went after her, excusing themselves from the conversation with Emiko. They ran after Sakurako and grabbed her forearm when she was in reach.

(Y/N): "Sakurako? Why did you walk away like that?"

Sakurako: "No reason."

(Y/N): "Please don't tell me that you're jealous of Emiko. She is just a coworker."

Sakurako: "I don't like that way she was talking to you."

(Y/N): "We were discussing about the case and nothing more. You need to stop being jealous for no reason, okay? I love you and that's why I proposed to you."

The ravenette nodded.

Next day

I was wandering around the large living room of Sakurako's home. Which is located outside of the city. I still didn't understand why Sakurako would live outside the city. Her parents probably own the house or something. I turned the corner to find our housekeeper, Ume Sawa, walking with a plate in her hand and a smile on her face.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now