Ex-girlfriend X Male!Reader

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(G/F) = Girlfriend Name
(S/H) = Size or Height
(C/S) = Cup size
(E/C) = Eye Color
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Color

I was at the bar with my friends. We were celebrating on my recent breakup with my crazy girlfriend, Ashley. She was beyond crazy. She stalked me when we were in high school and she got into a lot of fights with other girls. Not only that but she also got me in trouble with other girls’ boyfriends. It was a pain to be with her. It was like taking care of a kid.

Ben: “Free cheers for (Y/N) dumping that crazy bitch!”

Ben and Drake: “Hip Hip, Hoora-

I slapped both of them in the back of their heads. I didn’t like Ashley but that didn’t give them the right to call her a bitch. Ah, who am I kidding? She deserves it.

Ben: “What was that for?”

(Y/N): “Nothing.”

Drake: “Don't do something and don't know why you did it.”

(Y/N): “Whatever, Drake.”

We all put our glasses together and drank from our glasses.

Drake: “And to (Y/N) getting a new piece of ass. Hip Hip Hoora-

I slapped Drake in the back of his head. This time I had a reason.

Ben: “Do you have a reason for hitting Drake this time?”

(Y/N): “Don't call my girlfriend a piece of ass no matter how beautiful she is.”

Ben: “I don't blame Drake. Your girlfriend has (h/l)(h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, (s/h) and (c/s) breasts. Not to mention a nice ass.”

(Y/N): “What’s up with you two and ass?”

Ben: “What can I say? I’m a ass man.”

Drake: “Me too.”

(Y/N): “You two are idiots.”

Ben and Drake: “But we’re your idiots.”

I sighed.

(Y/N): “Bartender, another round please.”

Drake: “Make that two for me.”

Ben: “I guess I have to drive tonight.”

Drake: “Damn right! There’s no way in hell that I am walking home.”

Ashley POV

I was in the back of the bar, taking sips of my drink. I was looking at (Y/N) and his friends taking numerous shots. He recently broke up with me. It wasn’t my fault. I was just trying defend our relationship. He was just being paranoid. Those girls must’ve got into his mind.

Back to you

I was drunk but not too drunk. I received a text message from my girlfriend, (G/F).


Girlfriend: (Y/N) come over.

(Y/N): Can’t. I’m drunk in a bar

Girlfriend: I’ll come get you. And my parents aren’t home.

(Y/N): O_O

(Y/N): Okay XD

Drake: “Who are you *hic* texting?”

(Y/N): “It’s (G/F). She wants me to come over.”

Drake: “Hey Ben. *hic* did you hear that? (G/F) want (Y/N) to *hic* come over.”

Ben and Drake teased me. I just shrugged it off when I saw (G/F)’s car was parked on the side of the street.

(Y/N): “Well, I guess I have to go. Take care of my car please.”

Ben: “That’s if Drake doesn't make me crash.”

Drake: “Screw you, Ben. I *hic* don’t cause accidents. I *hic* behave like man.”

Drake continued to talk gibberish about random things. I walked out the bar and into my girlfriend’s car.

(Y/N): “Hey.”

(G/F): “Hey there, sweetie. How drunk are you?”

(Y/N): “Not wasted but drunk enough.”

You and (G/F) went home.

(Let your imagination  flow)

Next day

I was laying in bed with your girlfriend. Last night was a bit blurry but I remember  some of what happened. I turned around to look at (G/F). I extend my arm towards her to move her slightly. The sight of blood made me nearly jump out of my bed.

(Y/N): “What the fuck?! (G/F), (G/F)!”

Ashley: “Shhhh. You shouldn’t be so loud, honey. Somebody will hear you.”

I recognized that voice as I looked in front of me. It was Ashley. She was on top of me with a knife in hand.

Ashley: “I had to do it. She wasn't good for you. I missed you, (Y/N).”

(Y/N): “You don't have the right to kill anyone.”

Ashley: “It was either that or kill you. I didn't want to kill you so I chose her.”

(Y/N): “You’re crazy!”

Ashley: “I’m crazy for you~.”

Ashley shoved a cloth in my face. I began to feel weak, fighting back with all my might. She pushed the cloth into my face even more as I lost  consciousness.

Time skip

I woke up in a cage with a chain around my neck. Not only that but I was in my underwear. I looked around into the dark room until a flash of light shined into my eyes. A figure walked towards me. It was Ashley with a grin on her face.

Ashley: “Hello, honey. Like your new home?”

(Y/N): “Hell no. This cage is too small. Somebody will find me.”

Ashley: “Nobody will be looking for you. Your little friends got into a terrible car accident. Sadly to say they didn’t make it.”

(Y/N): “You killed them! You monster!”

Ashley slapped me.

Ashley: “It’s not nice to call your wife a monster.”

You were never heard from afterwards. You and Ashley got married. Through hell, you managed to deal with the fact of being kidnapped. That was until you managed to escape her psychotic ways.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now