Yandere!Mikio X Male!Reader X Makoto

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Another Charon rpg one shot named Makoto Mobius. I don't own any of the characters. Enjoy.

Mikio POV

I was sitting in class, listening to the lesson. I was taking glances at Makoto as she was also listening to the lesson. I'll admit it. I have a huge crush on my best friend, Makoto. Her blueish grey hair with her matching eyes. She was a little mysterious but in a good way. But she has been having an eye on someone else. (Y/N)(L/N). I don't know what she sees in him but all I see is a anti-social student. He never talks to anyone. I turned around to see Makoto talking to (Y/N). I gritted my teeth as MY Makoto talks to (Y/N). No one talks to Makoto. No one looks at Makoto. No one makes Makoto smile except for me.


It was lunchtime and I was waiting for Makoto under the sakura tree. We always eat lunch together everyday. I then see Makoto walking towards me with (Y/N). Why is she bringing him here? We are supposed to eat lunch together alone.

Mikio: "Makoto, who is this?"

Makoto: "This is (Y/N). He's my new friend. He is a little shy."

(Y/N) waved at me. F-Friend? She doesn't need anyone else except for me.

Mikio: "Hey."

Makoto: "He's going to be eating lunch with us."

Mikio: "E-Eating lunch with us?"

Makoto: "Yeah."

Makoto, (Y/N), and I were eating lunch together. Makoto was talking to (Y/N), completely ignoring me. Why isn't she talking to me? Is she ignoring me? Why is she talking to him?


I was talking to Makoto about class. We talked about other things and to my surprise, we had something in common. I continue to take glances over Makoto's shoulder. Mikio keep giving me these death glares. Like I did something wrong or if I took something from her.

Makoto: "I left something in my locker. I'll be back."

Makoto left. Mikio and I were alone. I continue to eat until Mikio grabbed me by the collar. The green haired girl faced me towards her and looked at me with emotionless green eyes. There was something in her eyes that could only be identified as anger?

Mikio: "I don't know who you think you are but I know what you are doing. If you think that you can take Makoto away from me than you have another thing coming. Stay away from her or I will-

Makoto: "Mikio?!"

Before Mikio could finish her sentence, Makoto stopped her. She was standing in front of us. Mikio let go of my collar.

Makoto: "Mikio, why are you threatening (Y/N)?"

Mikio: "I'm not threatening (Y/N). I'm just having a friendly conversation. Right, (Y/N)?"

The last part she said was quite harsh. I nodded my head and wore a smile. Makoto shook it off. Makoto sat down in between us and was started talking to me. Mikio gave me the death stare and I immediately stood up.

(Y/N): "Uh, Makoto? I'll see you later. I have something to do."


(Y/N) walked away from the two girls. Makoto was concerned about (Y/N) suddenly leaving while Mikio had a smile on her face.

Makoto: "What is wrong with (Y/N)?"

Mikio: "Don't worry about him. He'll be fine."

Makoto: "Maybe I should go check on him."

Makoto got up and went to check on (Y/N), leaving Mikio alone. Why is she worried about (Y/N)? I can't let him steal Makoto away from me. I must get rid of him.


(Y/N) and Makoto were walking home together. Mikio had decided to stay behind. And by behind meaning stalking Makoto and (Y/N). Even though it's been a day, the both of them grew real close to each other. They both shared the same interest. They were at Makoto's house.

Makoto: "Thanks for walking me home, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You're welcome. It's the nice thing I can do for a friend."

Makoto leaned towards and kissed (Y/N) on the cheek. He blushed and watched Makoto walked into her house safely. (Y/N) walked all the way home and was about to go to bed until I knock on his door prevented him. He opened the door to see Mikio standing still. She looked at him with the same look from before but it was more sinister. Little did (Y/N) know, Mikio was holding a knife behind her.

Mikio: "I warned you. I told you to stay away from Makoto."

(Y/N): "What-

Before (Y/N) could answer, Mikio stabbed him with the knife. He fell to the floor on his back.

Mikio: "Makoto is mine. You are not going to take her."

Mikio stabbed (Y/N) repeatedly. She had a innocent smile on her face while stabbing him. He died and Mikio hid his body in the basement of his house.

Timeskip (weeks later)

After the police found (Y/N)'s body, Makoto heard of the news and was devastated. She couldn't believe that her friend was murdered and she only met him for a day. Believe it or not, she was actually falling in love with him. All she could do is cry and Mikio was there to comfort her. Mikio, on the other hand, was happy (Y/N) was not near Makoto.

Mikio: "Makoto?"

Makoto: "Yes, Mikio?"

Mikio: "I killed him. I killed (Y/N)."

Makoto stepped away from her. She couldn't believe that Mikio killed (Y/N). She was scared of her and was filled with fear and anger.

Makoto: "Why? Why did you kill (Y/N)? What did he do to you?!"

Mikio: "I had to. He was trying to take you away from me and I couldn't let that happen."

Makoto: "He wasn't trying to 'take me away from you.' He just wanted someone to hang out with."

Mikio: "I saw you kiss him."

Makoto: "I was in love with him. And you took that away from me."

Mikio: "Makoto....

Makoto: "I can't be near you anymore. I think we should-

Mikio held a knife at Makoto's neck. Makoto was in shock and couldn't move. Mikio snapped.

Mikio: "I'm not letting you go. You have to love me if you value your life."

Makoto was forced to love Mikio. She couldn't go near anyone after that and didn't mention about Mikio killing (Y/N).

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now