Aela (Skyrim)XMale!Reader

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I was a recent member to the Companions. I proven myself to both leaders Kodlak and Skjar that I was worthy. They shared the blood of the wolf to me and I now possess the power to become a werewolf anytime. I didn't consider this being a must to have but more of a blessing. I am also a member of the circle.

I was training with Ria and Njada on the training grounds. We were preparing for a mission involving a group of people known as the Silver Hand. They were werewolf hunters and by their reputation, they captured many werewolves and killed them.

Ria: "(Y/N), focus! Are you daydreaming again?"

(Y/N): "No. I'm just thinking about my mission."

Njada: "It's just werewolf hunters. Be grateful that you are not going against those giant frostbite spiders."

(Y/N): "Yeah. Because if that was the case, then Farkas will be crying like a baby."

Farkas: "I heard that, blood brother."

(Y/N): "It's not my fault that you are a arachnophobic."

Farkas: "It's not that. It just makes my skin crawl to see those many eyes and legs walking around. Those giant teeth as it drools at its prey. And to top it off, the pain of those teeth as it bites through skin with a poison that freezes your blood."

(Y/N): Okay, okay I get. You're starting to make me have arachnophobia."

Vilkas: "Farkas, stop talking about your spider problem. It's getting old and creepy.'

Aela: "You're scaring (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm not scared. I'm just creeped out slightly."

Farkas: "And I'm not the only one who is scared of the spiders. Besides, it's normal to have a fear."

Vilkas: "But you must overcome your fear. You can't coward in fear when you see a spider. What kind of brother of mine will you be? Anyways, the mission has been pushed back to right now. Come now, the circle is leaving the grounds."

Vilkas signaled for Farkas, Aela, and I to get moving. We all left Whiterun and ran through the fields like a pack of wolves. A saber tooth tiger came out of nowhere and I swiftly swung my sword at the animal, killing it with one swoop.

Farkas: "Amazing, (Y/N). You're getting stronger and stronger by the day. Kodlak was right about you."

Vilkas: "Of course Kodlak was right. He will never be wrong about anyone. (Y/N)'s strong spirit is the reason he was accepted into the circle."

Aela's POV

I was behind the others, admiring (Y/N) as he killed the saber tooth tiger. He was so talented with a blade. He can kill a dragon with one blow to the head and inhale it's soul. (You are dragonborn by the way.) Besides his skills with weapons, he was very handsome. But the fact that everyone at the guild always talks to him makes my blood boil. Nobody shouldn't be with him except me. We are the same blood since he did drink my blood in order to become a wolf. We were made to be together.

Vilkas: "Aela, quit daydreaming and push forward. The Silver Hand will make their next move if we don't stop them."

Farkas: "Aela daydreaming? This is a first."

Aela: "I don't need to hear this from the buffoon brothers. Move out the way."



We finished killing the Silver Hand and saved the werewolves that were held hostage at the stronghold. Surprisingly, they didn't attack us. Aela and the others went back to the guild, leaving me behind. As I entered the town, nobody was there. The guards weren't even on their posts. That's weird. Where is everyone? I looked around to find a trail of blood on the ground. It was leading to the guild and I followed it. I opened the door to find a pile of bodies. The whole city was murdered and the guild members were also dead. Aela was lying on the bodies with a evil smile.

Aela: "Like it, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "W-Why Aela? They were our friends."

Aela: "They were your friends. They were my competition. They wanted to take you away from me but I was one step ahead of them. But who knew that Kodlak had to go as well."

Aela lifted a severed head from behind her. It was the head of the now deceased Harbinger, Kodlak Whitemane. He was like a father to me.

(Y/N): "Kodlak."

Aela: "Dont worry. You can be the new Harbinger. Well more like MY Harbinger. We are the same blood. We can renew the population of Whiterun together."

I have to get out of here. She is insane. I'll run all the way to Solitude if I have to. I turned around and ran away from the scene. Before I knew it, I was out of Whiterun. I begin to hear the sound of a wolf panting. I turned around to see that Aela turned to a werewolf and was chasing me with great speed. I pushed myself to the limit to run faster but she caught me. I admitted defeat but I will not go back alive.

Aela: "Oh, (Y/N). I love a good game of catch. It's even better when you are the one being the prey."

(Y/N): "L-Let me go."

Aela: "I can't do that. I love you too dearly to let someone else take you. But I can give you a choice. You can either come back willingly or I can kill you and take your corpse with me. Which will it be?"

(Y/N): "I whether die than to go back. Especially with you."

Aela: "Aww. Too bad. I guess you like the hard way."


Aela opened her mouth wide and took a huge chunk of (Y/N)'s shoulder. He screamed in pain and she continued to dig her teeth deep inside of his skin. He began to lose consciousness because of bloodloss. He died and went to Savangard or heaven is what they call it.

(Y/N): "What happened?"

Kodlak: "My lad, you are now in Savangard. Where all souls come to after death."

You looked at your shoulder to find nothing wrong with it. It was gone.

Skjar: "I can't believe that Aela killed us for the kid and killed him in the end. What type of love is this?"

Kodlak: "A deadly type of love. A love only a psycho can understand."

(Y/N): "More like sick."

Farkas: "Says the person who got mauled by the fangs of his admirer."

(Y/N): "Says the person who falled into the trap of my admirer."

You remained in Savangard forever with the others as they painfully watched Aela's actions from below. Especially, what she did to your dead corpse.

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now