Eren X Female!Reader

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I was coming back from the expedition. It was a disaster. Almost all of the Scouts were murdered by the titans. We were surrounded by the townspeople. I was right beside Levi. The hardest thing about being part of the army is that you have to break the news to the families of the fallen soldiers. I looked into the distance to see some kids in the back. The ones that stood out the most was a girl with black hair with a scarf and a boy with teal eyes and brown hair. The boy had a happy expression on his face until he got a good look at the half eaten bodies. I looked away and focused on returning to the base.

Timeskip (few years later)

I was handling the paperwork in my office. In the past couple of years, we recruited a decent amount of Scouts and they proved themselves worthy to fight the titans. Levi walked into my office.

Levi: “Captain (L/N), we need you to substitute for Captain Keith.”

(Y/N): “Why can’t he do it? I have paperwork due today.”

Levi: “One of the little brats got into a disagreement with Keith. One thing let to another and they got into a fight and now he is in the infirmary.”

(Y/N): “I guess I can teach the troops today.”

Levi: “Hurry before the troops slack off.”

I was walking towards the training grounds. All the soldiers were talking.

(Y/N): “Soldiers! Stance!”

All the soldiers began to stand into a straight in line. I stood in front of them.

(Y/N): “Since Captain Keith is in no condition to train you, I will train you today. Proceed with the training that Captain Keith ordered you to do yesterday.”

Eren’s POV

I watched as Captain (L/N) walked towards the training grounds. I remembered seeing her coming back from an expedition. She may be 10 years older than me but she was beautiful. Not only was she beautiful but she is one of humanity’s strongest soldiers along with Mikasa and Captain Levi.  I fell in love with her when I saw her fighting the titans. She was even better than Mikasa while using little effort. I will do anything to make her mine. I got into a fight with Captain Keith so she would have to substitute for him.


I was watching as the rookies practiced. But one of the newbies keep staring at me intensively. Eren Yeager was it? Yeah the rebel that always get into fights with the other newbies. Especially Jean Kirstein.

(Y/N): “Yeager? Come here.”

Eren: “Y-Yes, Captain?”

(Y/N): “I happened to realized that you were staring at me. Is there a problem or are you just slacking?”

Eren: “Nothing is wrong it’s just that you’re amazing.”

(Y/N): “Well, thanks I guess.”

Eren: “I-I’m sorry did I do something wrong?”

(Y/N): “No, it’s just that I appreciate that someone encourages my actions for the cause.”

Before Eren could say another word, Jean came over and tried to flirt with me. He should already know that he shouldn’t flirt with a commander.

Jean: “Hey, babe. Wanna go out sometime?”

(Y/N): “No.”

I punched Jean in the stomach and sweeped kicked him.

(Y/N): “You shouldn’t try to date your commander. Unless you want to be titan chow.”

Jean: “N-No.”

Yandere Various X Male/Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now