Chapter 4

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•Vanessa's POV•

Sam sits next to me. He always bothers me when Ms. Grulich isn't watching. I hate this bitch though. I'm just glad she's not my math teacher. Audet, Haley, and Emily have her and they can't stand her. She gives bad grades for no reason and no one likes her. She's ugly too so points for me. Not. Way to start my day. A bitchy teacher next to a cocky asshole.

"You know you don't have to pretend you don't want it. I know you do," Sam says with a wink at the end.

"I don't have to pretend or admit anything because I would never like you. I can't even look at you without gagging."

"Careful what you say," Sam said squeezing my elbow, "I always get what I want. Doesn't matter who. So prepare yourself, bitch. And if you can't live with me, kill yourself. You're useless. No one likes you. It wouldn't make a difference."

"He's right," Karly said while chewing gum noisily, "you're ugly too. You can't deny that."

She's right. I can't deny that. I'm a fat, ugly girl. Boys don't like me. Girls don't like me. No one likes me. Only my teachers do probably cause I'm a good student.

"Fuck off," I whispered to Karly.

"What was that?" She asked with a stupid look on her face. I was not about to get in trouble. I'm a goody goody and the only time I've gotten in trouble was for kicking someone's ass. Literally. Oops?

"I said leave me alone."

"Nah. That wasn't it. Is little Vanessa too scared to cuss in front of a teacher? Should I get your brother since you can't do anything by yourself?" Karly responded with a smirk. That made my blood boil. Before I could even say anything Ms. Grulich said, "Karly. I suggest if you don't want a second infraction to stop talking and do your work. Like Vanessa. Learn something from her for once." That's right. Learn something from me. Like shut up during class and not be a pain in the ass.

"Wait. Second? What did I do to earn a first?" Karly asked with an oblivious look on her face. You're chewing gum you freaking idiot. You thought she wouldn't notice? Bitch please. I even got caught.

"You are chewing gum, Karly. It's still in your mouth too. Spit that out before you get yet another infraction. Or should I make it a referral?" Ms. Grulich told her. Get it bitch! You deserve that shit. Who's getting her way now? Karly got up to throw her gum away and when she was about to sit down she shot me a glare. I just responded with a smirk followed by a middle finger. I always flip people off and I never get caught. It's a gift. That phrase always reminds me of the time Alexandra told me that I have the gift that I can just walk and I'll twerk without trying. Yes. I'm one of those girls with the big asses and an A cup. That's another reason I get bullied. Cause I'm 'flat chested'. Not my fault I can't have double Ds. Gosh. Do the insults and flaws ever end? Guess not. I could point at any part of my body and point out a flaw that it has. I've done it before. The list never ends.


Yes! Finally this is over. 1st and 2nd period went by fast and then there was 3rd. My favorite period. Math. Call me a nerd I don't care. I love math. I just find so much awesomeness in formulas and variables. Judge me. I am in an honors class so be jealous.


My favorite class is over. Here comes my second favorite, lunch. Where I get to hang out with my friends. And Sam and Jc. They're my friends' friends too so that sucks. I usually sit in between Emily and Haley but today Connor saved me a seat next to him. Okay then. I tried to hide the huge smile that was creeping on my face.

"Hey Connor. Thanks for saving me a seat. That's sweet of you."

"No problem. Anything for my special girl," he said with pinkish cheeks. I, myself, was trying to hide my blush. No Vanessa. Don't blush. He can't know you like him. That's an advantage for him. Plus he doesn't like you.

•Connor's POV•

Vanessa started to blush when I called her 'my special girl'. I was blushing a little too. I do like Vanessa. I want her to be my girlfriend. But she only sees me as a friend. Stuck in the friend zone. But does that blush mean she likes me? No. I have to admit Vanessa doesn't have the best body. She's not perfect. But I love that about her. She's beautiful but she doesn't need a skinny body or big boobs or a lot of make up to be beautiful. I'm pretty sure she doesn't see it. A few guys do but not many. And I'm glad. I want her to be mine. Not anyone else's. She's perfectly imperfect. Her eyes are just the lightest brown. And I love girls with long hair. It just makes her more unique since most girls these days don't like their hair that long. And she can speak two languages which I've always been fond of. How could someone hate her? You just have to love her. I mean like her. I don't love Vanessa. I just really like her.

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