Chapter 7

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•Connor's POV•

After Vanessa and I's movie day we started talking about ourselves how life has even since we hung out completely together. I've been dying to know how her stomach was bleeding and why she was hesitant when everyone asked her about her opinion on cutting. I just hope she doesn't take it the wrong way.

"So uh.. Vanessa. Why were you hesitant about the cutting thing at the lunch table the other day?" I don't even know if my sentence made sense but I guess it did to her since a look of... fear maybe appeared in her eyes.

"Oh. Uh. It's just that I didn't know what to say. I didn't want my opinion to stick out if it was different form everyone's. I just think it's a very delicate matter and I'm not that comfortable talking about it. I'm sorry Connor but that's as far as I'm answering," Vanessa told me. Completely truthfully? Well I'm not that sure about that.

"Oh okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," But I'm still curious, "Let's change the subject then. Why was your stomach bleeding after school today? And I noticed a bruise on your left arm. What's that? Why don't you tell me what really happened?"

"I don't know how I got those, Connor," Vanessa said, "stop trying to get in my head. You can't make me tell you shit you want to hear. Just drop the subject already. Why can't you just drop it? It happened and I can't take it back. It doesn't matter."

"Because I want to know!" I told her. Too loudly by accident. Vanessa looked surprised at my voice getting louder. She almost looked... scared. No no no. She can't be scared of me. I want her to be mine. I just fucked up. I always fuck up with girls. But this isn't just any girl. This is Vanessa.

•Vanessa's POV•

This isn't the Connor I know. This one is scaring me. Just as Connor was about to say something the front door opened roughly with an angry Kian walking in.

"Um. Kian? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing! Now stop bothering me and being a bitch! Just go to your room or something! And why is Connor still here?! He was only supposed to get you and drop you off. Why is the world so stupid today?! Just get out of my face!" Kian yelled then stormed up the stairs to his room. Wow. What happened to him? He was fine before.

"Connor, I think you should go."

"But why? Kian isn't your boss," Connor said. Why can't he just do what I say?!

"Why can't you do what I'm telling you?! Just go! Get out! Let me be in peace for a while!" I yelled at Connor. I wasn't in the best mood right now. Kian is my twin. When he gets upset I just do too. I know it's stupid but I can't help it.

"Fine then! Last time I try to make you feel better!" Connor said loudly. That last comment hurt. I knew if I did tell him about my cutting, I would regret it later. Good thing I didn't say anything. Thank God he's gone now. Maybe I can think straight again. Now what could've caused Kian to be so upset?

•Andrea Russet's POV•

I can't believe how much of a mess I am right now. My make up is all runny from crying so much. There is only one person I know I can talk to and trust: Vanessa. I dialed her number quickly. She answered after the second ring. Thank God.

"Hey Andrea. Is everything okay? I can hear sniffles," Vanessa asked concerned. This why I love her. She always knows when I'm feeling down.

"Actually, not really. Can you come over? I need my bestie. Please?" I whimpered.

"Yes of course. I'll be there in 5. I'm literally running to your house. Fuck the 5 minutes. I'm at your door."

Just then I heard a knock on the door. Damn. She's fast. Just as I opened the door, I was engulfed in a hug. I quietly cried on Vanessa's shoulder. I really needed a friend right now. No one knows that I'm not that happy. Kian is the only person that keeps me from cutting. But right now, he's the reason I'm crying my heart out.

"Okay. Okay. Let's go inside and you can tell me everything that happened," Vanessa told me while pushing me inside to my room and closing the door.

"Okay. So tell me why you're so upset. And why you can't stop crying," Vanessa told me with a smile. I lightly chuckled.

"Well it all started with Kian and I's date. We were going to this fancy restaurant for our nine month together. But his stupid ex-girlfriend had to ruin that. She was our waiter. She stared getting all flirty with Kian and I started getting mad, like no shit! Of course I'm gonna be mad! Then Kian told me I was over exaggerating about the whole thing. Then he went to the bathroom and after he took more than 5 minutes I got curious. So I went to check the bathroom and I found him kissing his ex! On our nine month anniversary! Like how could he do that? I feel like I wasted the last nine months of my life." Tears were streaming down my face by now. "When Kian pulled away he saw me crying and he looked at his ex and me. I didn't give a shit anymore. I ran away from the restaurant to here. And now I'm here crying. It took everything in me not to-" I quickly covered my mouth before I could say anything else.

"Not to what?" Vanessa questioned me. I just shook my head. I've never told anyone I self harm.

•Vanessa's POV•

Andrea just shook her head when I tried to get the answer out of her.

"Andrea please. Tell me. You know you can trust me. I love you,girl. You're like a second sister to me outside of school. You don't have to be scared or timid. I'm here for you. I'll never leave you. Please Andrea. Let me help you," I told her. She then took her hand away from her mouth.

"B-before I harmed myself," she said quietly. I gasped. I could have never imagined Andrea cutting.

"Andrea," I said softly, "how long has this been going on? Have you ever told anyone?"

"No. You're the first person I've ever told. I just feel like I can trust you. Please don't think of me as any different," Andrea said. If she trusts me like this then I should probably trust her too.

"Andrea. I think that this is the right time to tell you something that no one knows about me either," I said softly with a sad smile.

"What?" Andrea asked me.

"I uh, I cut too," I confessed. Now Andrea gasped.

"Um how often do you cut? I know this is a delicate matter cause I do too but I want to help you too," Andrea said.

"Well pretty much everyday. People bully me at school. I can't tell you who though. Sorry. I feel down everyday so I cut to get rid of the pain. How about you? How much do you cut?" It feels so right to finally talk to someone about this. Especially someone who's been to the same thing.

"Well I haven't done it that much since I got together with Kian. He just makes me so happy. I really do love him. Even if he cheated on me, my feelings haven't changed. He's such an asshole. And the fact that I love him makes me feel even worse. I'm just glad I called you before I self harmed."

"I'm glad too. I haven't cut today either so yay for us. But I have something to tell you. I now get why Kian was so angry and upset when he got home. He was really mad and yelling. He called me a bitch. I was really offended since Kian loves me and never calls me anything. He was just angry cause he thinks he lost you. He loves you Andrea. He does. And I know since he talks about you and how much he truly does love you all the time cause the guys are insensitive bitches, so he can't talk to them." That got a chuckle out of her. Just then the doorbell rang many times. Andrea rubbed her eyes and got up to get the door. I followed her.

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