Chapter 20

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•Connor's POV•

No. This can't be happening. Vanessa can't be in a coma. I talked to her yesterday and she was perfectly fine.

"And how exactly did she fall into the coma, doctor?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"It was this morning apparently, that they were just driving to school and a driver was swerving and it hit them before they could react. We don't know who the culprit was because he/she escaped. But from the witnesses' point of view, it looked like it was on purpose," the doctor explained. On purpose? Who would want to hurt Kian and, most importantly, Vanessa?

"Can I talk to Kian?" I asked.

"Sure," he said and walked away so I could enter the room. As I walked in Kian saw me and he had red, puffy eyes. I thought I was gonna cry too but I was in too much shock to even react.

"Hey Con," Kian started, "did he tell you?"

"Yeah, he did." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't cry. It's gonna be okay," Kian said while motioning to go hug him. I did as told and cried a little into his shoulder. He cried with me. She is his twin sister. But she's the love of my life.

"Did the doctor tell you how long she's gonna be in the coma?" I asked him through sniffles.

"He said there's a chance she'll wake up in the next few days but there's always the possibility she won't wake up at all," Kian said while looking down. another tear fell down my face.

"The most we can do is pray that she wakes up soon. Or at all," I said.

•Vanessa's POV•

All I could see was black. It's been a while of just me looking at a black room. Then I started hearing voices. A lot of sniffling though.

"Did the doctor tell you how long she's gonna be in the coma?" someone asked and it sounds a lot like Connor. Where am I? Are they talking about me? Am I in a coma?

"He said there's a chance she'll wake up in the next few days but there's always the possibility she won't wake up at all," someone else said. Kian! My big bro. Am I in the hospital? I could die? No no. This isn't happening. Please let this be a dream. But it's not. It's real life.

"The most we can do is pray that she wakes up soon. Or at all," I heard someone say. I'm pretty sure it's Connor's voice. How could I not know my love's voice? I just hope I'll get through this. I have to get through this. For Connor. For my brother. For everyone. For me. This could be the moment to prove to my stupid bullies that I can get through anything.

•Karly's POV•

I couldn't be any more satisfied. I was the person who hit Kian and Vanessa. Well, it wasn't exactly me. I hired someone. I'm not stupid enough to get blamed. That's what she gets for stealing Connor from me. Her brother being there was just a bonus. The more her family gets hurt, the better. She has no idea what's coming for her.

•Vanessa's POV•

I noticed the conversation ended so they must've left or went to get some sleep. Sleep is what I want to get out of. I just can't deal with doing nothing. Then I saw a tiny white light. And me being me, I started walking towards it. Then I appeared in a white room. I walked towards a lady.

"Excuse me, what's this? I'm in a coma and I don't know what's happening," I told her.

"Go over there," she said pointing to a desk, "she'll tell you what to do." I thanked her and walked towards the desk.

"Hi. I'm Vanessa Lawley. Where am I?"

"Oh Vanessa. The one in the coma. You're here because you need to see how the world is without you. The good and the bad. You ready?" She asked. I nodded, "Let's go." We went into another room and she showed me the real current world.

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