Chapter 14

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•Connor's POV•

I can't believe I just told Vanessa I love her. But it's true. I love her with all my heart.

•Vanessa's POV•

I couldn't say anything. I was in too much shock. So I did what anyone in a cliché movie would do. I kissed him. With everything I was feeling right now. Even more sparks flew than yesterday. The kiss lasted about 20 seconds but I never wanted it to end. It's like no one existed. Just us. When we pulled back we both stared at each other's eyes. I stared into his beautiful green eyes and he stared into my dull brown ones.

"I-I love you too Connor. I've always have. I've never stopped. But we can't be together. You're with Karly and I'm with Cameron. And it's clear Karly makes you very happy." We were talking at a safe distance by now. Before he could say anything the door flew open and Mama Franta came running in.

"Connor! Oh my baby! I'm so glad you're okay! I love you so much!" Mama Franta said.

"I love you too, Mom," Connor said with a smile.

Beep beep

From Cameron- Hey Vanessa. R u okay? U just kinda ran out

To Cameron- Yeah I'm fine. Everything's okay. Thanks for caring.


I left after that cause I didn't want to face Connor yet. I told him I loved him but I can't be with him. I just don't want anyone to get hurt. But I'm hurting right now.
Finally it's Saturday. Then again that means the party is just one week away. And graduation is just a few days away. Time to work my ass off. I will pass high school with an A+. I need to. I've always had a reputation of "perfection". My parents expect me to be perfect at school yet they don't expect that much from Kian. Oh well. I'm so bored with my studying. I just feel so empty. I want to feel something right now. I know what. Relief. I know it's wrong but I have problems. Self harming problems. I go to the bathroom and get the blade that's taped under the sink and smile as I look at it. I can't wait to slide that across my skin. I cut down my right thigh. Once for loving Connor. Twice for cheating on Cameron. Another cause I cheated on him twice. I should probably talk to him. I haven't talked to him since I ran out the other day. I finished I washed my cuts and bandaged them.

To Cameron- Hey cutie. I wanted to know if you want to hang out today? Maybe explain what happened the other day.

I almost got an instant reply.

From Cameron- Yeah of course. Let's just hang out at ur place and watch movies. How does lazy day sound?

To Cameron- Amazing!! Come whenever you're ready. It's not like I'm going to get ready. It's lazy day. It's the day where you can not give a shit.

From Cameron- Ikr. See u in a few.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs to get it.

"Hey babe," Cameron greeted me and gave me a light kiss on the lips. It just doesn't feel like the kisses I had with Connor. Those felt real and amazing. These ones just feel plain. It's cute but meaningless.

"You ready for lazy day?" Cameron asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hell yeah I am!" I said with excitement.


We were watching Frozen which, by the way, is the best movie in the world, when Cameron asked me the question I've been trying to avoid.

"So, why did you run out the other day?" Cameron asked me.

"Oh uh. Well you see the thing is, Connor was in the hospital. He got into a bad car accident and his mom texted me to say to come to the hospital. I was really worried so I went and at the end Connor was fine and I was relieved and everything was okay," I answered truthfully. Skipping a few parts.

•Cameron's POV•

I know Vanessa is hiding something from me. She's not lying but she's not saying everything that happened.

"Is that all that happened?" I asked her. I need to know what the fuck is going on with this Connor guy.

"Y-yes," she stuttered. Okay now I'm definitely worried. She's hesitant.

"Vanessa, I know you're lying. Tell me what really happened," I told her.

"Okay. Here it goes then. I'm tired of lying," she started, "I cheated on you. With Connor. And before you do anything just listen. It was at the hospital. When I saw him looking so lifeless I felt so much pain in me. So I cried and everyone knows I don't cry. But for some reason, I cried for Connor. For the thought of him being gone. Then one thing lead to the next and we kissed," she finished. I was speechless. Vanessa's not a slut so this is the thing I would be most surprised by.

"Did you like it? The kiss?" I asked her. Might as well find out.

"Um yeah. I kinda did. I'm sorry. I can't help how I feel," she responded feeling guilty. She should be guilty.

"Oh wow. Then I guess this is the end."

"Wait what?" She said confused. "Are you saying we're over?"

"Do you love him Vanessa? Do you love him cause you sure as hell don't love me," I said.

"I-I do. And that's the worst part. And I not only kissed him that one time but I also kissed him at my house. He was my first kiss, Cameron. Not you. I'm so sorry! I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want anyone to get hurt but the truth was eating me alive!" she yelled back.

"Then I guess we're over," I said with no emotion.

"Can we at least be friends? Please. I do like you Cameron," she pleaded.

"Do you like me as much as you like Connor?" I asked her.

"No," she mumbled quietly.

"Goodbye Vanessa. I don't know if we can be friends right now but I'll sleep on it. You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater," I told her while exiting her house.

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