Ryland-Beach Kiss

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Hey guys!! Maira here. Listen if you guys want an imagine, just comment your name , idea, who you want it to be with. some other stuff you think i should know. but please keep your idea detailed.

and I do not do dirty imagines... sooo yeah. just comment down your ideas, vote for my story and i will have your imagine up in about 2 or 3 days. or maybe if i am free then that day

anyways, i hope you enjoy...

Ryland Lynch:-

You and Ryland have been friends since childhood. You are besties. You know each other pretty well and over the years you have developed feelings for him but were too scared to admit. you have a lot of things in common. but sometimes.. even on the simplest of things, you guys argue like there is no tomorrow

but because of this one arguement your lives changed forever....

*At The Beach*

your pov)

" No way Ryland, chocolate is wayyyy better than caramel!" i say while rolling my eyes.  i heard Ryland gasp slightly and then he said " Take that back Y\N!!"

"Make me!" i say while sicking my tongue out and making a run for it. Laughing and giggling, i found my way to an unusual part of the beach . it was deserted. As i was starting to get suspicious i felt two arms slip around my waist. i gasped.

"Gotcha!" Ryland whispered sexily into my ear which sent chills down my spine. we just swayed around enjoying the moment. his chin was on my shoulder and my head rolled back onto his chest . his lips were so close to my neck and i could feel his warm minty breath

i closed my eyes and sighed but then opened them suddenly realizing that this is not how best friends are supposed to react with each other .

i turned around, still in his arms and as i was about to say something, i got lost in his big brown eyes.

"Wow Ryland, i never realised what a deep shade of brown your eyes are'' wait a second i wasnt supposed to say that. i just blushed and looked down while ryland just chuckled slightly. he put his finger on my chin and forced me to look at him.

his hand cupped my cheek as he stared at my lips. i instantly knew what was coming as he started leaning in. when our lips touched, fireworks exploded. his hands were tangled in my hair and the other was at the back of my head bringing me closer. my hands were at the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair and the other was resting on his chest. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I tilted my head a bit and kissed him with even more passion

i didnt want this moment to end but unfortunetly we had to pull away for air. After we pulled away he rested his forehead on mine. my eyes were still closed. we were both out of breath.

"Ryland.. I.. I love you." I whispered just waiting for the rejection.
" And i know you probably dont feel the same and this whole thing could ruin our friendship and i understand if you hate me after this and i just mpphh..." i was cut off by a pair of soft, warm lips against mine. i relaxed into the kiss and sighed into his mouth. i could feel Ryland smile against the kiss. we pulled away.

" Did you ever notice that you talk too much." He chuckled. '' Oh and just so you know, i love you too. Always have, Always will." he said smiling as he pulled me in for another kiss.


The end!! Hope you guys liked it. oh and again, if you want an imagine just comment below. thanks!! Love ya ;)

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