Ross-Heated Argument

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Hey guys!! Maira here. So i noticed some of you weren't commenting or voting so i just thought id remind you ( Awkwardly laughs) anyways.

Here is another imagine. Hope you like it, And remember if you want one all you have to do is fill out the form in chapter two.

anyways, here it goes...

You and Ross were the perfect couple. You had been dating him for about a year now and never used to fight with him at all. Until one night, it all changed.


" ROSS!!! Where were you?! Do you have any idea how worried i was?" You screamed.

" Y\N I told you i was at the studio rehearsing a scene with Laura!!" He screamed back.

And that is exactly why you hated Laura and always felt insecure about yourself. You thought she was better than you in every way and now that she was spending a whole lot of time with Ross was just pissing you off even more. You have been wanting to speak to him about this Laura subject for weeks now but you always kept your mouth shut. but tonight, everything just decided to come out.

" Well I'm sorry if you think my whole world revolves around you Y\N but you are wrong, i have got better and more important things to do." He shouted and you felt hurt but this was not the time to show weakness.

" Oh yeah? Things like making out with Laura?!" You reverted back, you and Ross have had multiple arguments about Laura but it never went this far.

" I have told you once before, i kissed her for scene in freaking Austin And ALLY!! Why are you being such a clingy brat!" He said.

You sigh and say, " Its not my fault that I'm feeling so insecure. Ross, you are gonna leave for tour in two weeks and i want to spend as much time as i can with you. Plus, the hate I'm getting from the fans is pressurizing enough. I just feel like you don't love me anymore." You whisper the last part because you didn't want him to hear you but he did.

You looked down as you were about cry and you didn't want him to see you like this. But you couldn't hold in the tears. You glanced up at him and his face softened.

He came closer and wrapped his arms around you while you cried into his shoulder softly. " Aww honey i do love you. More than you can imagine." He whispered into your ear.

" I'm really sorry i haven't been there for a while but i promise we can make this work. You know why?" He asks.

" Why?" You ask in a weak, vulnerable voice.

" Because I love you." You smile at his statement. " And if the fans don't accept you then they aren't real fans, they are just jealous because you are beautiful, amazing, sweet and at times you could be a major turn on." He whispered sexily into your ear which made you giggle.

" I love you too Ross. Lets not fight again though." You say.

He smiles and kisses the top of your head. "Never Y\N. Never."


The end!! I hope you guys liked it. Please comment below if you want an imagine, or just message me. And don't forget to vote!! ;) Love ya ~Maira.




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