Ross- Forceful yet Fierceful Surprise

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WARNING: May contain 13+ scenes

You and Ross had just had a fight over Laura... Again. But this time it was Full
of screaming, crying, and ended up with him leaving the house. You didn't know where he was and you were getting kinda worried. But at the same time you also never wanted to see him again.

(Ding ding) you hurried towards the door and found Ross standing at your doorstep.  He had tears in his eyes and sorrow on his face.

"Ross? What are you mph!!" You started to say but were silence by Ross' lips on yours. You were confused and shocked or a moment but slowly melted  into the kiss.

Ross closed the door with his leg and put his arms around your waist while you had your arms around his neck playing with his hair.

He pushed you to the nearest wall and put his hands on the sides so you had no way to escape. Ross decided to heat it up by licking his tongue across the bottom of your lips. You first denied because you didn't even know what was happening but Ross than moved his hands up an down your sides and bit your lip while rolling it around in his teeth. It made you gasp and Ross took that opportunity to slide in his tongue. You two had a tongue war in which he won. That boy really knows how to use his tongue.  You moaned as you felt his tongue move around in your mouth. 

You put your legs round his waist and he guided you to your couch. Once he sat down you got onto his lap. He broke the kiss and started to roughly kiss your neck. You moaned as he kissed your sweet spot. He smirked and then sucked and licked on that exact same spot which made you want him even more.  "Mhmm.. Ross. " you managed to moan out.

He crashed your lips together again and this time you were the first to put your tongue in. He groaned as you tugged on his hair. As you were making out you grinded your hips against his lap. He groaned at the sudden friction and moves his hands to roam around your body. "Mhmm.. Ross.. What.. If someone.. Sees us.. Mhm.." You moaned in between kisses. Ross smirked.

"Ugh.. Just a little more baby.." He said and crashes his lips with you again. You moan again as you felt his tongue pushing your tongue to get better access to your mouth. You didn't know what just happened to Ross but you liked it. He had never kissed you like this before.

Ross had his arms snaked around your waist and was slowly running them down. His hands cupped your ass and squeezed them both.. Hard. which made you want to grunt. And you did since you couldn't hold it in.

After quite some time you two pulled away, both breathless. You were still on Ross' lap.  You closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath. Ross gently pushed his forehead to yours.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. " Ross whispered to you.

"It's okay Ross, and raises I should be the one to say sorry. I guess I'm just a little over protective. But I guess I'm just insecure cuz it's hard dating a rockstar. There are so many girls that I have to compete with and.." You started to say but Ross cut you off.

"No no, Y/N don't say that. You do have to compete because I already chose you. And I am never letting you go. "  He said softly. You smiled at him an laid down your head in his chest. You guys stayed that way in complete silence. You slowly fell asleep listening to the steady sound of his heart beat.
Okay guys that's it.
Question of the day.

Would you rather go to and R5 concert and have a meet and greet with them AND get free tickets for the rest  of the tour.


Would you rather spend one whole day with R5??

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