R5-When you wear something of theirs"

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At times you would usually stay over at your boyfriend, Ross' house for the night and very often you would forget to bring your own clothes
So Ross used to give you a T shirt of his gladly
He loved it when you wore his shirts
You looked hotter in them than he would... And that's saying something ;)

You were helping Rocky pack his clothes since they were shifting into a new house so you decided to help him.

As you rummage through his clothes you found his beanie. You loved it when he wore beanies so you decided to try it on.

"Hey baby? Have you seen  my bean.. Oh there it is." Rocky smirked and you blushed.

" I look pretty good don't I?" You say while doing some silly poses. Rocky just chuckles and comes closer to you and nibbles lightly at your ear. " you look cute in my beanie. Maybe even cuter than me." He whispered sexily into your ear which turned you on.

"Hey angel, you ready for our date?" Ell asked you.

"Just give me five more minutes!" You yell. You were looking for your yellow converse but couldn't find them. You saw Ells converse in the corner and decided to wear them instead.

"Okay let's go!" You say while coming down the stairs.

"Great okay so I was... Wait are those my converse?" He asked

You blushed and looked down. "Maybe." You said shyly.  " I couldnt find mine so I just decided to wear yours. They're a little big but I can walk in them. " you say and hop down the last step.

Ell just chuckled. "Whatever makes you happy baby." He said smiling and kissed your cheek.

You were missing Ryland so much because he was on tour with the rest of the band.

You haven't told him yet but you always cry when he is on tour or whenever he's not with you for a long time. You decided to wear his old football jersey.  You went to the closet and pulled it out of the hanger. You hugged it close to your chest and breathed in his scent

You really wish Ryland was here with you tonight. Cuddling and kissing you.

Riker:  (saved the best for last) ;)

You were waiting for Riker to come home from his photo shoot. You saw his glasses on the couch and decided to wear them. They were really fun to wear even thought everything was a bit blurry. Whenever you looked down you'd think you were falling and you liked that feeling.

Suddenly the door opened and in came Riker
"Hey baby, I'm home!" Riker yelled

"In the kitchen!" You yelled back.

Riker came into the kitchen and hugged you from behind. He kissed your cheek and started to kiss up your jawline then down your neck. You moaned when Riker kissed your soft spot. "Mmhh Riker." You moaned.  You felt Riker smirk.

"Baby?" He asked nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck

"Yeah?" You ask back

"Are you wearing my glasses?" He asked. You blushed and said yes. He lightly chuckled

"Well baby, as adorable as you look in my glasses please take them off. I don't want your eyes to get hurt." He softly whispered in your ear.

You giggled and put his glasses back as he started to kiss your neck again.

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