Ross Imagine for Cassie

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This is for @r5family-rosslover . Hope you like it Cassy! :)


You were very excited to see your boyfriend Ross today. He had been busy with the band and the tour and the albums and you two never got some time alone. Even the rest of the band noticed this and started to feel guilty for keeping Ross away from you. So, to make it up, they invited you to their home for you to spend some time with Ross alone. But Ross didn't know about this.

When you reached there the others were already gone. "Ross?" You called. Nothing. "Ross? Baby?" You ask again. Still nothing. You went upto his room and were about to knock when you heard soft sniffles. You opened the door to reveal a tear stained Ross cowering under the sheets.

"Ross? Oh baby! What happened?" You ask as you go up to him. He gets up from his bed and engulfs you in a hug which you gladly return. He cries on your shoulder while you rub his back and roam your hands through his hair to calm him down. He wraps his arms around your waist and cries even more. It hurt you to see him in this state and you would do everything in your power to make it stop.

"Shhh baby, its okay. It will be alright. Whatever it is we can make it through together." You whisper soothing things in his ear and he slowly stops crying.

He pulls away ad looks at you with tear filled eyes. You sit him down n the bed and take his hands into yours and rub the back of it. " You wanna tell me whats going on?" You ask softly.

He nods and starts speaking with tears threatening to fall. " I got fired from my job at austin and a.." He couldnt even finish the sentence and he burst into tears.

"Aww baby, its going to be okay. I'm here for you. We will get through this together." You say and wrap your arms around him.

"They said that i kept coming in late and messing up my lines so they fired me. But it wasnt even my fault. I was too busy with the band and wasnt paying enough attention to you. and.." He cried even more after that.

"Sweetie, don't worry bout paying attention to me. I mean sure, it hurts when your working all the time but i understand that this is important to you and i fully support that. And don't worry. You are an amazing and talented actor and will find another acting job easily. Dont worry okay baby?" You tell him, hopefully comforting him.

He saw him smile and he looked at me with love sick eyes. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Cassy. I love you so much." He said with a smile on his face.
"Aww Ross. I love you too, so much." You say an lean in. He leans in too and your lips touch in the middle. Even though you have kissed him so many times it still feels magical.

He wrapped his arms around your lower back and your arms went around his neck pulling him closer
Your lips moved in perfect sync and you finally pulled apart and rested your foreheads together.

"I am so glad I have you." Ross said while pecking your lips again
"I am so glad I have you too." You smiled at him.

Well there you go Cassy!! Hope you liked it, love. ❤️


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