R5- He protects you

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You and your boyfriend Ross have been dating for about a year. You first had trust issues because of your old boyfriend Tony he used to abuse you. But ever since you met Ross, he made your whole world brighter again.

Ross was gone to get you some chocolate because you were craving it. You sat on the couch. You heard a knock and thought it was Ross but when you opened the door, in came Tony.

"TONY?!" You screamed.  He didn't even say anything. He just slapped you across the face and you hit your head against the wall. You started to scream and cry. All you wanted to do was just die at that moment.

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!" You heard someone scream. Then you heard sounds of punching and grunting. You couldn't open your eyes. You really hoped Ross was okay.

Then silence came and you started to worry. You opened your eyes just a little bit and saw Ross come your way.

"Y/N?! Are you okay?" You heard Ross say as he swooped you into his arms. You smiled weakly at him. He breathed a sigh of relief and hugged you tightly.

"I'm so sorry Angel. I promise, I will always be there for you. I promise.." he whispers as you smile.


You were having a sleepover at Riker's house. It wasn't planned so you didnt have any clothes but Riker gave you his T Shirt and some short shorts on purpose.

You and him were cuddling and sleeping. You were having a very bad dream.

"No, please. Not Riker... Leave him.. Alone. " you mumbled in your sleep. You twist and turned which woke Riker up.

All of a suddenly you screamed and sat up while panting. "Baby, are you okay?" He asks groggily still in the process of waking up.

You started to cry and he pulled you into his chest. He let you cry it all out while whispering soothing things into your ear. "Shhh.. It's gonna be okay, princess. I'm here now. Everything is fine. " he whispers.

"Riker.. They took you away.. And started hitting you and.." You started crying again.

Riker just hugged you even tighter. "Shh.. It's okay princess, I'm here now. And I am here safely with you. Nothing will make me get away from you. " that was the last thing you heard when you fell asleep on Riker. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.


You and Rocky were having a movie marathon. All of a sudden without your permission Rocky put on a scary movie. Even thought he knew you were too scared.

A scary part came on and you hid your face in Rockys chest. You gasped and squealed.  He chuckled lightly at your actions.  "It's alright Babe. I'm here to protect you. " he says as he wraps his arms around your waist.

He pulls you closer and kissed the top of your head, making you feel loved and at peace. You snuggled even closer with him and breathed in his cologne. You placed a kiss on his chest where his heart was and he smiled down at you.

After that you forgot about the movie and just focused on cuddling with Rocky.


You were at home during a thunderstorm. Suddenly the lights went out and you squeals. You knew that Ell was gonna be home any minute but you were still scared so you decided to call him.


"Hey Ell.. W..when are you c.coming back??" You tried to make your voice sound normal but it didn't work.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm almost there. "His calming voice was soothing and you felt better.

You opened the flashlight on your phone. The dark was your biggest fear and Ell knew that.

You hear the sound of the door opening and you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You immediately knew it was Ell.

"Hey sweetie, it's okay. I'm here now. " he whispered into your ear. You calmed down and hid your face in his chest. He lightly chuckled. He kept tearing t your face.

"What?" You asked smiling.

"Nothing, it's just that... You look beautiful in the candle light. " he said and kissed your forehead. You mushed and kissed his cheek.


You had just found out that your dad had been in an accident. He was your only support besides from Ryland. And losing him was a terrible heart break for you.

You started crying. You were scared that he might not make it. Ryland came and sat down in the couch and noticed you crying. He immediately put his arms around you and pulled closer.

"Baby, what happened?" He asked worried.

"Daddy got into a car accident and mom says he might not make it. " you say your voice breaking a bit.

Ryland just pulls you closer and rubs your back while you cry into his arms.

"Shh.. It's gonna be okay. Your dad is just like you. He's strong and brave. He's gonna make it through this. And so will you. You know why?" He whispered.


"Because you have the most amazing boyfriend ever to help you get through this. "

You smiled a bit which made him smile too.  He kissed the top of your head.

"I love you so much, Sunshine. " he said and cuddles with you.

"I love you too Ry. " you say as you smile and fall asleep in his arms.

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