Riker-Movie Night

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Hey guys!! I have a feeling no one is actually reading this so im kinda sad but lol anyways!! ;)  Hope you guys enjoy!!

" MOVIE NIGHT!!" Rocky yelled. You were all at the Lynch household having a sleepover and right now you were planning to watch a movie. You were close with all the Lynch's ( Including Ratliff ) but you were the closest with Riker.

Over the years you had developed feelings for him but were too scared to admit it since it would ruin your friendship.

" Oooh lets watch " Night Of The Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 4!! " Ross said and you immediately  gulped. you were really scared of horror films but everyone seemed to agree so  you just kept quiet.

Ten minutes into the movie and all the girls were hiding in their boyfriends' chests. Rydel was cuddling with Ratliff. Courtney was snuggled upto Ross and Rocky and Ryland were cuddling with Alexa and Savannah. Riker and I were the only single pringles in the room.

Since i had no one to cuddle with, I just kept chewing on my pillow on all the scary parts. I was literally shaking with fear. For a movie with a lame plot this was beyond scary. Riker seemed to notice this and scooted closer to me.

" You know if you are feeling scared, my arms are always open." He whispered sexily into my ear. I blushed and glanced up at him. he was smirking . he opened his arms again and i smiled as he slipped his arms around my waist. I put my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. His after shave smelt amazing. All of a sudden, a zombie appeared on the screen and i shrieked and his my face in Riker's chest, clutching onto him for dear life.

Riker started chuckling softly and started to slowly rub circles in my back which was very soothing. After a while, when i calmed down, Riker leaned in and whispered... " Sshhh... don't worry princess, I'll always be here to protect you."

I smiled up at him as he stared at my lips and slowly started to lean in. Our lips touched and moved in perfect sync. We pulled away and started blushing like crazy. Then i snuggled closer to him as he kissed the top of my head. Everything was perfect.


The end!! I hope you guys liked it . and as i said before, if you want a personal imagine just fill out the form i made in chapter 2.



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