Ross Imagine for Cassy

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Hope you like it, love.

Your pov:

I've been friends with R5 since as long as the can Remember. But the thing is, I kinda sorta fell in love with my best friend, Ross.

I think he likes me too but I'm not sure yet. My phone beeped.
It was a text from Ross.

R: Hey Cass. Wanna come over??
C: sure. I'll be there in 10.

I replied and started getting ready.
I put on a no makeup makeup since Ross thinks I look pretty without it.

I grabbed my keys and left for the Lynch household.

Once I reached there I just walked in. It was normal for me since this was like my second home.

Usually whenever I entered I used to be bombarded with hugs and Rydel begging me to have some girl time with her. But today was different. When I entered Ross came in and engulfed me into a hug.

"Hey Cass." He whispered.

I giggled. "Hey Blondie. Where's very one else?"

"They went to my aunts house but I was too tired and bored. That's why I called you. "

I smiled and blushed. God, what does that guy make me do.

Ross' pov:

As Cassy entered the room suddenly lit up. I hugged her an I could smell her sweet scent. She always smelt so amazing.

She flashed that gorgeous smile of hers that made me melt.

We decided to watch a movie together. Since I wanted Cassy to like me. I decided to put on Insidious 3. A scary movie is the perfect excuse for me to put my arms around her.

She didn't know what I was putting on so I just smirked. She was in the kitchen making popcorn and getting the drinks. I went over and just stared at her for a while. She was a beauty. She flipped her lushious blonde hair over her shoulder which gave me butter flies. God, the things that girl makes me do.

She didnt know I was there so I sneaked up behind her and hugged her from behind. She squealed.

"Ross!! You scared the crap outta me!!"

I just chuckled. "Sorry Cass" I say giving bet my best puppy dog face.

She just rolled her eyes and we walked towards the living room. Before she could go any further I grabbed her arm.

She stopped, turned around and faced me. I was really nervous. I think I'm about to tell her how I feel

"Hey Cassy?"

"Yeah Ross?" She asks with a cute look on her face. Uggh she is making this so much harder than it already is.

Since I couldn't tell her, I decided to show her. I looked deeply into her piercing blue eyes. I grabbed her face and pulled her into a rough, fiery kiss. I felt her kiss me back. I smirked into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck. She roamed her hand through my hair and tugged on it which was such a huge turn on.

I started to roam my hands all over her body. As I did that I kissed her all over her neck. As I got to a certain spot, she moaned quietly. I smirked again and knew that was her sweet spot. I sucked on it and swirled my tongue around it.

"Mhmm Ross.." She moaned out my name which drove me nuts.

I started roaming my hands down her back and lower back. I put my mouth on hers once again. I finally got to her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze making her gasp. I took that advantage and slid my tongue in and groaned. Kissing her felt so good. I moved my tongue in her mouth and she started to moan once again. Damn she was a good kisser.

I could have kissed her forever but we both needed air. We pulled away and rested our foreheads together, trying to catch our breaths.

"Well.. I didn't expect the kiss to go too far but.. I love you Cassy. And I know you probably don't feel the same wa..." I was cut off by a pair of warm, soft lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too, Ross. I always have. " she whispered and pulled me in for another hot make out session.

Hope you like it Cassy. I actually didn't know I was gonna do a make out scene. I guess I was just feeling that way. Lol. anyways hope you like it.

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