Rocky-You cheat on him ft. Ross Lynch

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I don't even know why I'm writing this since this is such a bad idea. Anyways,

WARNING: contains a hot make out session in there so read at your own risk.

You were currently dating Rocky at the moment but you were also having an affair with his brother Ross. It's not like you were a slut or anything, you just couldn't contain yourself since Ross is so hot.

You were at the Lynch Household making out with Ross on the couch while Rocky was gone. This was the first time you ever kissed him. Let's start from the beginning


"Okay sweetie I'll be right back. " Rocky says. He pecks your cheek once and leaves the house. Ross comes and and sits next to you while you were watching a scary movie.

Suddenly a scary part came in and you gasped and hid yourself in Ross' chest. He lightly chucked and hugged you close to him.  You looked up at Ross and saw that his eyes were darkened. He slowly leaned in and you did too

Your lips touched on the middle and moved in perfect sync (AN: am I using that too often??) you finally pull away and guilt flushes over you too. "Y/N I am so sorry. I shouldn't have don't that. I know your my brothers girlfriend but I just couldn't help myself and..." Ross couldn't finish because you pulled him in for another kiss.
*Flahsback ends*

Right now you were on top of Ross and had your hands in his luscious blonde hair. He had his hands moving up and down your sides. He turned his head and broke the kiss which made you pout. Ross chuckled at that and connected his lips with your neck. He kissed up your jawline and down your neck. You moaned when he kissed your sweet spot. You felt him smirk against your lips and he started sucking on that exact spot which made you want him even more. You then crash your lips onto his into a furious kiss. He licked your bottom lip begging for entrance which you granted. You moaned as you felt him push his tongue into your mouth. He explored every corner and was kissing you so passionately. Without breaking the kiss he made you sit up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him even harder. Even though the thought of you cheating on Rocky was making you feel guilty, it just felt so right kissing Ross, just as if it was meant to be.

"Ross? Y/N?? What is GOING ON IN HERE?!?!" You heard someone scream. You and Ross pulled away quickly to see a hurt expression on Rockys face.

"Bro, it's not what it looks like. " Ross tried to explain.

"Oh really? Cuz it looks like my girlfriend is cheating on me WITH MY BROTHER!!" He screamed again. You started to cry softly and went over to hug Rocky and thankfully he hugged back.

"Rocky, we just got caught up in the moment. I swear!" You say. You look over at Ross and he had a hurt expression on his face too.

"Wait, so, that whole thing we just had... Wasn't real?" He asked softly. Now you felt even worse than before.

"I'm sorry Ross, but I have feelings for Rocky. And Rocky, I love YOU! Please give me another chance. "

Rocky just shakes his head and leaves with Ross. Right there you knew you made the biggest mistake of your life.

Yeah I know crappy ending.

Question of the day

Who else watches the R5 tv??

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