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You ran out of the school crying your eyes out. footsteps behind you but you didnt care. You were just so upset and mad at Ryland, your so called 'best friend'

"Y/N!" You heard someone shout and you recognized that voice immedietly. Ryland. But you didnt want to talk to him. Not after the stupid prank he played on you...


" Hey Y/N. Can i talk to you for a second?" Ryland says nervously.

" Sure!" You say cheerily. You have always had a crush on Ryland but were too afraid to admit it.

" Great, meet me at my locker in precisely 5 minutes." Ryland says quickly and scurries off, leaving you confused.

When you reached his locker you found no one there. Suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms slip around your waist. You gasped and turned around, only to find Ryland.

You let out a sigh of relief. " Oh Ryland its just you. So what did you want to talk about?"

" Us?" Ryland replies but before you could say anything, he smashes his lips onto yours. You tensed up at first but then gradually, you relaxed into the kiss. Very soon, that simple kiss turned into a full make out session. Your hands were in Rylands soft brown hair and his hands were running up and down your sides. You moaned as he slid his tongue into your mouth and explored every corner. After a few minutes. You finally pulled away.

" Ryland" You breathed. Your eyes were still closed.

" Y/N, I.. I love you" Ryland whispered.

" I love you too Ryland." You say and you heard some guys laughing their heads off. I looked up at Ryland and say that he was laughing too.

" Hahaha you slut, you are so easy to trick!!" One of the guys said. You were confused. 'doesnt Ryland love me?' you thought.

" Did you really think Ryland Lynch, The most popular guy in school would ever love you?" One of the girls sneered. You looked up at Ryland, trying to search for an answer but he was too busy laughing. You felt your cheeks heat up and tears brim your eyes.

' No, im not gonna cry. i wont cry in school i wont cry in school i wont cry in school' You kept telling yourself but it didnt work. A sob escaped your lips and you glanced at Ryland who now looked guilty. You dashed out of the school crying like there is no tomorrow.

*Flashback ended*

" Y/N please listen to me." Ryland said as he caught up with you and blocked your way.

" I don't want to talk to you Ryland. Get out of my way!" You cried as more tears escaped your lips. You normally weren't the crying type but this little prank just hurt you so much. But Rykand wouldn't budge.

" No, you need to hear me out." He said. You just scoffed and pushed him out of you way but he grabbed your wrist. " Ryland let go of me right now! Haven't you hurt me enough.'' You said; your voice cracking in the middle.

" Angel i never meant to hurt you. It was just a harmless little prank!! Look me and Chad made a bet that i could get you to say 'i love you' to me. So I tried all these romantic things to get your attention. But in the process, i fell for you. hard. I love you Y/N. Everything i said back there was true. I DO love you. And that kiss was real. Princess, i meant every word i said! WIll you please forgive me?" Ryland said and he was also on the verge of tears.

" You're an idiot you know that?" You asked, a smile on your lips. Seeing you smile made Ryland smile too.

" But I'm your idiot.. right?" Ryland asked with hopeful eyes.

You just smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. " Does that answer your question?" You say with a smirk.

" Totally." Ryland said as you two had another makeout session.


The end!! Dont forget to comment and review!! And just tell me if you want an imagine. Love ya!! Byeeee!! ~Maira.


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