Ell-You break up and start dating his band mate"

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Okay so this is a sad one. Don't read if you don't like it.

You love Ellington and you always will but you have just always had your heart stuck on Riker. You two even had to breakup because of the tension between you and Riker cuz Riker liked you back. He didn't do anything about it because Ell was a friend and he respected that you were his girlfriend.

But Ell was such an understanding boyfriend he let you date Riker and now you two are friends while you and Riker are dating.

Sometimes though it's a little awkward when Ell walks in on the two of you kissing

For instance:
You and Riker THOUGHT you were alone on the house and decided to watch a movie. Later that "movie" turned into a make out scene between you and Riker. He was laying on top of you and had his hands on your cheek and waist.

He licked your bottom lip, begging for entrance which you denied because you weren't on the mood for a heated kiss. But him being the smartass that he is, decided to make you want to make out with him

He bit your lip an rolled it around in his teeth all the while making you sit up, not even breaking the kiss and setting you in his lap. He ran his hands up and down your sides which turned you on.

He bit your lips a little harder this time and you gasped. You didn't know Riker was such a good kisser since you hadn't really had a make out session with him before.
When you gasped he slid in his tongue swiftly. You two had a tongue battle and he won obviously. You moaned loudly as you felt him explore every corner of your mouth.  You roamed your hands through his hair and moaned his name. "Mhmm Riker." You moaned in between kisses.

"I think we should... Stop.. Mhmm. Someone will see us. *moan*" you moaned out between kisses.

"Mhmm.. Just a little bit more baby.." He said while crashing his lips onto yours again.
You suddenly heard a slight cough and quickly pulled apart. It was Ell an he had a very hurt look on his face. You thought he was okay with you and Riker dating but clearly he wasn't.

You put him through so much pain and didn't even realize. Now you feel guilty.
"I feel bad." You say to Riker.

"Maybe another make out would make you feel better?" He suggested.

You glared at him. "Riker! Be serious!" You say to him.

"I think I should go talk to him. " you said and got up to find Ell.  You finally found him in the garden sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees. You heard sniffles.

"Ell?" You called out. He looked at you and wiped his tears away.

"Oh hey Y/N." He said.

"Ell, whats wrong, i thought you were okay with me and Riker dating." You say softly and put your head on his shoulder.


Okay thats it for now. probably wont continue this.. Sorry :(



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