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Hey guys. okay so this is not an original imagine written by @floralfangurl. But i just wanted to change a few things. Hope you liked it!!

You laughed loudly as your best friend cracks yet another lame joke. He has been doing that for the past hour and your stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

A knock at the front door makes you turn your head.  " One sec "

You stand up from the couch and let your laughter die into faint giggles. When you open the door, you see the blonde head of your boyfriend.

" Oh hey Ross!" You smile and opened the door wider for him to enter. " I wasn't expecting you today. I thought you were working till evening today?"

Ross smiles and starts kissing your jaw line. " I got off early so i could spend time with you." He said as he starts kissing your neck.

You giggle before saying: " Jeff is here. Do you mind?"

Ross frowns at the mention of your best friends name before putting a fake smile on his face and saying: " That's fine. I can leave if you want to be alone with him." He says while heading towards the door.

You shake your head and pull him back inside. " No that's okay. Hey Jeff! Ross is here!"

Your friend sits up and shakes Ross' hand. " Hey man, long time no see. So how is the band going?" He inquires.

" Its going good, we are working on our third album." Ross says curtly.

Jeff chuckles lightly. " Hey Y\N remember how in elementary school, we made our own band and used to sing covers off of it?"

You laugh while remembering the memory and shake your head. " Oh My God, we sounded awful!!"

"Hey we weren't that bad!" Jeff snickers and puts his arm around your shoulder which made Ross growl  a bit.

" We were pretty bad. My mom still has some videos of us." You retort and start laughing your head off again.

" Okay we get it. You two had a kid band and had lots of freaking memories together. I got it!!

You frown at him and ask: " what?"

Ross sighs and gets up from the couch. " Nothing!" He yells. he takes a long breath and says: " I'm gonna go out for some fresh air." He leaves for the door without another word.

" Whats up with him?" Jeff asks.

You shake your head. " I don't know. I'll go check up on him."

Jeff nods and you follow Ross outside. He is sitting on the grass, picking on his jeans.

" Ross?" You say softly.

Ross glances up at you and says: " Sorry"

" Sorry for what baby? What happened?" You ask as you sit next to him and put your head on his shoulder while holding one of his big hands into your small ones.

He sighs and says: " I just can't help but feel jealous around you and Jeff. Its just that... you two have been friends your whole live, so you have a lot of memories to share than you and I do."

" Awww Ross, baby, look at me." You say. You hug him and kiss his cheek. " Baby, it doesn't matter if Jeff has known me longer than you. What matters is that i love YOU not him. Yes he and I have had more memories together but baby, you and I have our while life to make more memories together. I will cherish our memories my whole life Ross. Just because Jeff and I have more memories doesn't make ours less special."

Ross half-smiles. " You're too good for me you know that?"

You shake your head and wrap your arms around his waist, putting your head on his chest and breathing in his scent. " I love YOU Ross. Please don't get jealous over my friends." You say softly.

" I just want to have as many memories as i can Y\N." He says while sighing.

You smile and shrug." Then we will make lots. We can spend the rest of our lives together and make memories that we will never forget.

Ross smiles. " That sounds great Y\N. God, I'm so lucky to have you." Ross says while kissing your cheek.


So i hope you like it guys. Just review if you want one imagine for yourself. love ya!!




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