Ross-He is sick"

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Ross had the flu and temperature for about two days and you were getting kinda worried. Ross never gets sick an whenever he does he gets really cranky.

You and him had just bought an apartment together and you were a very busy actress. Ross had taken a break from acting for a while and now that he was sick he felt even bored than ever. 

*Yesterday when you back home*
"Ross? Baby? Where are you?"
*no answer*
"Baby?" You shout
*still no answer*
You heard coughing and crying coming from the bathroom and you immediately knew he was sick.

You went upstairs and saw him near the toilet coughing and crying his eyes out.

"Oh baby." You say and help him up. You wipe his moth with a wet towel and bring him back to the bed. The poor boy had tears in his eyes which saddened you even more.  You lay down beside him after giving him some medicine. He was still silently crying and you knew he felt awful.

"I'm gonna go make you some soup." You say and kissed him in the cheek. But before you could go you felt a hand tugging at your wrist. You looked back to see Ross giving you the puppy dog eyes. "Cuddle me?" He asks in a weak voice. You smiled and said "of course"

You climbed into bed and say straight with your back touching the head stand. Ross had his head on your lap and snuggle into you. You giggle at him and start stroking his hair. You hear him sigh. 

You kisse his head and lay your head  on top of his. You heard him snore slightly and giggled.  "Good night baby." You whisper and fall asleep too.

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