Rocky Imagine for Maya

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Hey guys!! This is for @MyRossomeWorld. Hope you liked it gurl!!


" I can't believe you kissed her!" You shout at your boyfriend.

Rocky comes over to you and tries to hug you from behind but you just shrugged him off. " Sweetie, you have to believe me. She was just a fan and asked for a kiss on the cheek. But when i leaned in she turned her head and we had a lip to lip instead! Its really wasnt my fault!"

This just made you even angrier. " So u couldnt have pulled away? That kiss lasted 12 freaking seconds Rocky!!"

You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was frustrated too. He sighed and said: " Maya , sweetie, you have to listen to me. she was one strong gal and i was trying too pull away but i couldnt because her grip on me was so strong. I promise you i swear i hated every second of that kiss. You know that the only girl i want to kiss is you right?" He said while trying to hug you again but you pushed him off.

" Rocky this is like the third time ive seen you kiss a fan before. I have a right to feel insecure about this when those girls are clearly way prettier than me and..."

You couldnt complete your sentence because the next thing you know is Rocky's lips crashing onto yours. The kiss was filled with passion and emotion. Rocky's hands coldnt help themselves but feel every inch of your body. Your hands were in his hair, tugging at them and pulling him closer to you. He shoved you into the nearest wall and put his hands on your waist. You moaned as you felt him slide his tongue into your mouth. You two had a tongue war and you won. of course. After about 15 minutes of this hot make out session, you finally pull away. both breathless.

" Honey, dont you dare say that you are not pretty. You are beautiful and you know what else you are?" he whispers.

"What" you ask.

" You are the love of my life. I love you with all my heart. And i am so sorry for kissing that fan. But you have to believe me that i didnt enjoy it as much as i enjoy your kisses." He said as he kissed your nose whichmade you smile a bit.

"Thanks Rocky, Your the best." You say as you hug him. " I'm sorry for being so inecure all the time. It must be really annoying." You say again.

" No honey, i understand. This might be hard for you but i promise we will get through it together.'' He said as he gently pushed his forehead against yours. You smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.


There you go!! Hope you liked it!!



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