Riker- He scares/yells during a fight

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"Seriously, Y/N I'm not cheating on you with Laura why would you even think that?! She is Ross' co star anyway!!" He yelled.

"Riker you and I both saw you kissing her on the cover of that stupid freaking magazine?!" You scream back.

"Uggh when I say there's nothing going on between me and Laura than that means THAT THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN ME AND LAURA!!!" He screamed so loud that you started to get scared. You've never seen Riker like this. He started walking towards you but you just kept stepping back. Riker noticed the fear on your eyes and immediately apologized.

"No Y/N I'm so sorry for yelling at you like that. Please don't be scared of me." He said and pulled you into a hug.  You pushed him off and were even more scared.

Riker saw this too and said. "No Y\N please. I'm really sorry. Please know that I will never. Ever . Hurt you. "

You cried on his chest while he rubbed your back.

" I promise you I will never ever hurt you." He whispered into your ear and kissed the top of your head.

Sorry if it's short but this was just a filler cuz I had nothing else to do. Anyways

Question of the day
Would you rather go on a hundred dates with Ross, marry Riker and only live for 20 more years or go on unlimited dates with Rocky but only live for 5 years??

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