Ell-The Almost BreakUp

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" Uggh Y/N just leave me alone! I already told you there's nothing going on between me and Rydel! Why are you being so freaking annoying?!?" Ellington shouted at you

You were a bit taken a back and felt tears brim up your eyes. " Well maybe if you think I'm so annoying why don't you go to Rydel and complain about it?? " you scream back

Usually you and Ell weren't the type to have fights. You were the perfect couple but this Rydellington thing was bothering you now. You knew there was nothing going on between Rydel and Ell but you couldn't help but feel jealous since they had dated a while back ago.

"You know what?! Maybe i will? Besides she was a much better girlfriend to me then you EVER were!" He yelled. That one simple sentence hurt you so much. you couldn't believe he compared you to his ex.

"Well if she is such a better girlfriend then why don't you date HER INSTEAD??!!" You screamed and by then tears were streaming down your cheeks. You look over at Ellington and saw that he had a hurt look on his face.

"Y/N" He whispered and came closer to you. He wrapped his arms around you but you just pushed him off and went upstairs to your bedroom. You closed the door but didnt lock it

"Y/N.. Sweetie please open the door." Ell knocked. You just sat there in a corner and cried silently. Ell opened the door and came closer to you and hugged you. Which this time you didnt reject to. You hugged him and pulled him closer to you while crying on his chest. He had his arms tightly wrapped round your waist and your head was buried in the crook of his neck.

"Y/N? Sweetie? Sweetie I'm so sorry for comparing you to Rydel. I really am. You are a way better girlfriend than she was." Ell whispered in your ear.
"No Ell I'm not. This is the reason why we were fighting in the first place. Rydel is way prettier than me and you deserve better. " you mumble even though Ell could hear everything

His eyes widened. "No sweetie don't say that. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and I love you with all my heart. I am so sorry I hurt you and made you cry. I hate seeing you cry especially when I'm the one behind it. I'm so sorry baby. Will you please forgive me?" He asked you on the verge of tears as well.

You simply kissed his cheek and said: " of course I forgive you Ell."
He grinned and pulls you in for a magical kiss.

There you go guys another update

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