Ellington Imagine for Carrie

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Hey guys!! So this imagine is for @RikersSexyBass. Hope you like it Carrie :)

Your Pov

you were in your apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Ell, waiting for him to come back from his band rehearsal. You decided to text him.

You: Hey baby. When are you coming home? I miss you :(

Ell: I'm sorry babe I'm stuck in traffic. But don't worry, when i come back we can have a nice cuddling session. How does that sound? ;)

You: Sounds great. see you in a few love.

As you were waiting for him to come back you decided to check your Instagram. There were many people who tagged you in a post. Some of the R5 family supported your and Ell's relation ship but some liked Rydellington more. They all tagged you in the same post so you decided to check it.

When you clicked on it, a picture of Ell and Rydel hugging came across the screen. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy arise in your body. You knew that Rydel and Ell were just like brother and sister but you felt pretty insecure about this. And the hate that you were getting from the fans wasn't helping at all.

You looked down and say that there was a hashtag related to the picture. #CellingtonSucks.

You click on it and say all the mean comments people have made about you.

Carrie is so fat. Why is Ell even with her? (AN: Sorry i don't actually mean any of these things.)

Rydellington is so much better than Cellington. Ell should just dump her.

All of these comments were messing with your head. You felt hot tears slip from your eyes and you knew that the only thing that can calm you down is that sharp blade hiding in the bathroom. You don't have a severe self-harm problem.. You only do it when you get hate from the fans.

You felt relieve shoot your body as the blade touched your skin and the blood poured out. Suddenly you hear the door open and Ell shouts. " Babe I'm home." You glance at the blade and try to hide it as quick as you can but it was too late. Ellington opened the door and when he say the condition you were in his eyes widened.

" Carrie" He breathed out. He quickly pulled you in a bone-crushing hug as you cried softly on his chest.

" Honey, why would you do this?'' He whispered softly.

" I just.. I saw some of the comments the fans made about me and i  just..." i trailed off and cried uncontrollably

" Oh sweetie. Please don't do this ever again. And if you have a problem, or if you feel like cutting, please just talk to me about it. You know i will always be there for you."

You smile and say. "  Thanks Ell... But what if they are right?"

" Right about what?" He asks.

" Well.. A lot of them told me that I'm too ugly or pretty to be with you and.." You couldn't complete your sentence since sobs came out.

" No sweetie, You are beautiful just the way you are. And you know what matters the most?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

" What?" You ask vulnerably.

" I love you. That's all that matters. They are just jealous because you are pretty, sweet, cute smart, and very talented. Plus you have one hell of a boyfriend." He jokes.

You slightly giggle and pull away from the hug to give him a sweet kiss. " I love you" You mumble against his lips.

" I love you too Carrie. Always." He whispers.


the end!! I hope you liked it Carrie. Ad if you guys want an imagine just comment. and dont forget to vote ;)




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