Rocky Lynch imagine for Stacy

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Hey guys!! Okay so this imagine is for @treya_r5. Hope you liked it Stacy

You and your best friend Rocky were walking down the sidewalk. It was raining but not that heavy, you were trying to find a shade because you couldn't walk back home and you didn't have a car.

" Awww why did we have to walk, i hate the rain!!" Rocky complains.

" Heyyy.. Its not my fault we are stuck here. This sucks, I just got a text from Ross that they will pick us up in about 20 mins and the rain is getting heavier!! and you complaining is just making this whole thing worse!'' You yelled. You weren't the type to yell, especially at Rocky but you were just pissed at him for some odd reason.

Rocky rolled his eyes. " Oh great! I'm stuck with YOU for another 20 mins." That comment just made you even angrier.

" What's that supposed to mean?" You ask defensively.

" It means that you are acting like a huge bitch!" He yells. You gotta admit that stung a little, since you and Rocky have never actually fought before but you had to stay strong.

" Excuse me?" You say slightly offended.


" Why would you even say that? And why are you being like this?" You ask in a harsh voice.

" I don't know, I am REALLY frustrated right now and your non-stop bickering isn't helping at all!! I just cant put up with you, especially in this pouring rain!!" He shouted.

" Okay well if you don't like my bickering so much, then why don't i just stop talking to you? huh?" You threaten.

" Yes Maybe that WOULD HELP A LOT!!" he screamed.

"Fine!" you yell

"FINE!!" He shouts back

" Fi...mmpphh..." You couldn't complete your sentence because the next thing you know is that Rocky's lips are on top of yours. They move in perfect sync. Rocky's hands are tangled in your soft brown locks and your arms slowly drag up his chest and wrap themselves around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. He puts his arms around your waist and pull you closer. After about 2 mins, you finally pull away.. both breathless.

He still had his hands around your waist and were both trying to catch your breaths. You opened your eyes and looked into Rocky's brown eyes. They had a sparkle in them. He gently pushed his forehead to yours and you could feel his breath tickling your face. You closed your eyes, savoring every second. "Rocky" You breathed his name.

" Stacy.. I have to tell you something." He asks nervously.

" Yeah?" You ask with hopeful eyes.

"I.. I love you." He says.

You smiled up at him and didn't hesitate before saying: " I love you too Rocky"

He grinned and brought his lips to yours once again. And that was the start of an amazing relationship.


The end!! I hope you liked it Stacy!! And if any of you guys want an imagine just comment below:)




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