Ross-he gets jealous"

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You and your boyfriend Ross were walking around the park hand-in-hand. It was a comfortable silence that surrounded you too. And Ross would occasionally steal kisses from you.

All of a sudden, a five year old boy came to you and wiggled his eye brows. " Hey there sweet thaaang!!" He said in his unpubertized voice. You giggled at the scene before you and when you glanced at Ross, you saw him clench his jaw. 'Awww he is jealous' you thought. You smirked and decided to play along.

" Hey handsome!" You say flirtatiously. you twirl a piece of your hair and kneel down on your knee to meet the little boys eyes.

He takes his hand in yours and smiles at you. One of his teeth had fallen out and he looked adorable. You looked at Ross and saw that he was frustrated and was rolling his eyes.

" So.. You single? I am!" The little boy said. You giggled and heard Ross clear his throat from behind you.

" As a matter of fact, she isn't. I am her boyfriend. So why don't you just piss off!" Ross said a little angrier than usual. The kid looked so scared that he ran away crying.

" Ross!" You nudged him.

" What? He was flirting with you!" Ross said in an annoying tone.

" Ross? Were you actually jealous of a five year old?" You ask with a smirk on your face.

Ross blushed and looked down. " Maybe" He said sheepishly.

You giggled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. " That's okay. You're cute when you're jealous" You whispered into his ear. He blushed even more and you kissed his cheek again.


There you go!! Hope you liked it.



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