R5-They or you get jealous"

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You were on a romantic date with your boyfriend of three years. Ross took you to the beach and then a restaurant. But Ross didnt seem to be having a good time. Mostly because your waiter kept hitting on you. He pulled that classic guy move.

When we sat down at our table he winked at me and clicked his tongue which made Ross a bit angry. Later when he came with our food he brought a napkin with his name and number on it. I just put it away awkwardly and saw Ross clench his jaw.

Afterwards when he came with our drinks he spilled them all on Ross. "Ooopss Sorry." He said while not sounding sorry at all. "That is it! You mister, have been flirting with MY girlfriend since the moment we stepped in here so why don't you just PISS OFF!!" Ross growled at him.

" Oh sorry, I thought you were her brother." The waiter said awkwardly and left. Ross had a satisfied smirk on his face and you couldnt help but giggle at him.

"What?" He asked confused. You shake your head and hug Ross. " You really love me a lot don't you?" You said with a smirk. Ross pulled away and said. " Of course I do. I love you to the moon and back." He said smiling and kissed your cheek.


You and Rocky were at the park, sitting and cuddling on those uncomfortable benches. You guys talked about some stuff and about the new   EP R5 was going to release. Suddenly you heard someone call your name.

"Y/N?" You looked up and saw your best friend from middle school.

" ANTHONY?!!? OMFG!! I havent seen you since like FOREVER!!!" YOu yelled and got up to hug him. He hugged you back so tight you could barely breath.

" I know right?!?! Ever since middle school finished we were barely keeping contact. You NEED to give me your number!" He exclaimed.

"Oh sure!" You said and exchanged numbers. You saw Rocky from the corner of your eye and his jaw clenched. " Oh this is my boyfriend, Rocky. Rocky this is Anthony, my class mate."

"Hey man how's it going?" Anthony asked as he shaked Rocky's hand.

" Yeah, good. Yeah." Rocky said emotionless.

You and Anthony talked for a while before he said he had to leave. As he left, you saw Rocky glaring at him from behind.

"So whatsup with you?" You asked Rocky. He still had his angry face on.

"Ugghhh NOTHING!" He yelled. You were a bit taken aback from the tone of his voice. You looked down, not knowing what to say next.

You glanced up at Rocky who now had a guilty look on his face. " Uhmm I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to yell at you." He said while hugging you tightly. You hugged back and smiled. " It's okay. But tell me something." You asked.


"Were you jealous of Anthony?"

"*sigh* Yes." He admitted and looked down.

"Why baby? I love you not him." You said and took his hand in yours.

" I know but i couldnt help it." He said.

You giggled a bit and kissed his cheek. " It's okay. You look kinda cute when you're jealous." You whispered in his ear which seemed to turn him on. He grinned and softly kissed your lips.


You and Ellington had a romantic picnic in the park and suddenly he saw one of his friends. But it was a girl which made you kind of cautious.

You were always really protective about Ellington which you knew was annoying him yet you couldn't help but feel jealous.

You felt anger build up inside you when you saw them hugging and also a twinge of sadness.

You saw them talk about some stuff about drums that you didn't really k ow about and could t help but feel sad that you couldn't talk to Ellington about these things.

After a while they both said their good byes and Ellington came running back to you.

"Hey Y/N. Woahhh what happened why are you crying?"

You hadnt realized you were crying until Ell brought it up.
"It's nothing" you sniffles trying to change the topic

"We both know it's not nothing it has to be something?! Sweetie if there is something bothering you, you know I can take care of it right?"

"It's just that. I don't know seeing you and Brittany there made me kinda jealous. And also a bit sad that I can't talk to you about drums and stuff." You said looking down.

You heard Ell sigh and you knew that you have bothered him enough

"I should just go.." You mumbled and got up to leave but you felt a hand grip your wrist and were pulled back.

You suddenly felt soft,warm lips against yours. Ell had his hands on your waist and you and had your hands on his shoulders. Your lips moved in perfect sync

After a few moments you pulled apart.
"Baby, Please don't be jealous of my friends. You don't have a reason to get jealous. " he said and wrap per his arms round you.

You smiled and said "thanks Ell. I love you."

" I love you too baby girl."


" Yay!! Go Ryland!!" You cheered. You were on your boyfriends football game. If his team makes one more goal they win

And they did! The crowd went completely wild. You had a huge smile on your face.
Ryland came up to you and engulfed you in a huge hug and kissed you passionately.

After that he said he had to change into some more comfortable clothes so he will come right back

Meanwhile. His friends came up to you. You decided not to be rude and said " Congrats on the win"

"Thanks babe. Hey I think I lost something.." He said and trailed off

"What could you have possibly lost?" You said annoyed knowing this guy was trying to hit on you.

"My number. Can I have yours?" He said

"Hey back off dude! That's my girlfriend!" Ryland growled.

"What oh. Sorry bro." He mumbled and left.

Ryland was still angry which made you giggle a bit. "Aww you look adorable when you are angry." You said smiling and kissed his cheek.

"Well that's what I'm for. To protect you from jerks like them." He said and pulled you in for another kiss.

I know crappy ending 😕 sorry I couldn't do Riker. Too busy
But anyways. Pls vote and comment!!!


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