Riker-The Kissing Bet

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Hey guys!! Maira here. Okay so this contains a heavy make out scene so read at you're own risk.

You were pretty mad at your boyfriend Riker since he has been practically ignoring you for the past three weeks! Right now you were in the Lynch's basement watching them rehearse. It was getting pretty late but you were determined to talk to Riker about this.

It was past midnight and R5 had finally finished rehearsing. Riker came over to you and sat next to you on the couch. he yawned. " Are you gonna stay over tonight?" He asked sleepily.

You replied with a simple "no". "Well then shouldn't you be getting home then? Its late." He asked while yawning at the end.

You sigh. " Okay Riker, I need to talk to you. Look we havent talked properly since three weeks and i am really starting to miss you. I know you are busy with the band and everything but the least you could do is make time for me." you say in a sad voice.

Riker just yawns again. " Look Y\N can we just please talk about this in the morning? I'm really tired and have way too much to do tomorrow. Plus we have to go to Ross' movie premiere too. Can I have a kiss?'' He asks innocently.

" No" You say sternly.

He just pouts and asks: " Why not". All you wanted to do was just kiss him because you couldnt resist his adorable pout but you had to stay strong.

" You can have a kiss when you start paying attention to me." You say while grabbing your keys and heading for the door, but Riker beats you to it.

" Wait so does this mean you aren't coming to the premiere?" You shake your head no. " But i need you to come!! And i really want that goodnight's kiss!!" He whined, crossing his arms and sticking out his bottom lip.

" Well I'm sorry Riker but no means no." You say confidently. Then all of a sudden, Riker breaks out into a devilish grin.

" Okay so if i can make you kiss me before the premiere, will you come then?" He asks.

" I doubt it'll work but okay. DEAL!" You shake hands and head for the door again but Riker grabs your wrist and jerks you back. " Can i at least have my goodnight's kiss before you go?" He asks in his husky, sexy voice which of course you cant resist.

" Okay fine but this one doesnt count okay?" You say. He nods and then furiously attacks his lips onto yours. He smiles into the kiss and you sigh into his mouth as he forcefully yet gently slides in his tongue into your mouth. You cant help but let out a soft moan as his tongue explores your mouth. After a few more minutes of this make out you finally pull away. both breathess.

Riker pouted and cupped your cheek with one hand while the other was on your waist, pulling you closer.

" I wasn't done yet." He whispered sexily into my ear. He attacked your lips again and you gasped when he swiftly slid his tongue across your bottom lip, begging for entrance. At first you denied because you weren't in the mood for a heated kiss but you gasped when he bit your lip and rolled in around in his teeth. you felt his tongue in your mouth and moaned again, not being able to help it.

You wrapped your legs around his waist and he pulled you onto the couch with him on top of you. Your hands were behind his neck playing with the ends of his hair. While one of his hands cupped your face and the other was running up and down your sides. Your tongues fought for dominance and he won. You moaned which turned on Riker even more. After 15 mins of ths intense make out session, you pull away. Riker got off the couch, leaving you confused.

He got near you and whispered sexily into you ear. " I won" and then it clicked, he won the bet. But you couldnt care less. You just put your arms around his neck and said. " Oh just shut up and kiss me already."

Riker smirked and pulled you in for another hot make out session.


The end!! i hope you guys liked it. I said this once and ill say it again. if you want a personal imagine just comment below and vote pleeeeeeeeeeease. Thanks!! love ya!! byeee ;)




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