Ross- Apologies

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"Hey Y/N ready for our date?" You heard Ross say as You got into his car.

"Yup!" You say happily and kiss his cheek.

It was your six month anniversary

"Where are we going??" You ask.

"It's a surprise. " You smiled. You loved surprises.

The whole ride there was spent in a comfortable silence. Ross' hand was on your thigh and he made imaginary circles there which was very soothing.

You soon came to a stop and saw that you were on the beach. Ross led me to an unusual part of the beach.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"You'll see, Angel."

I smiled and blushed. Ross stopped walking and I looked in front of us.
There was a small picnic laid out for us.
"Aww Ross." You whisper. Ross smiles and hugs you from behind.

He leaves small kisses down your neck and shoulder. "I knew you'd like it. " he whispered.

"Come on ."

You smiled and held his hand as you walked towards the picnic. He had made his special Red sauce Pasta which was delicious. And for dessert he had packed some chocolate covered strawberries and some fruit.

After eating you went for a walk. And did that clichè thing where you draw your names and hearts in the sand and watch as the water takes it away.

Ross took you to a high rock where you sat down and watched the sunset. Everything was perfect. You look up at Ross. "You're amazing" he says and he started leaning in.

As soon as your lips met a flash of light disturbed you and when you pulled away, you saw the paparazzi. Ross immediately hid under a bush.

You were confused. When they were gone Ross and out and said: "phew. That was close" with a chuckle.

You just smile but you were confused.
"Uhm.. You don't have a disguise right?" He asks.

"Nope. "

"This ends here. "

"What does??"

"The date. You can't tell anyone about this, not even your parents.

" why they're not gonna post it on their blog or something. "

"No Y/N, if the paparazzi see us together, it's gonna get messy. "

"Why does it have to get messy?"

"Because I'm Ross Lynch, you're just an ordinary girl. " as he said that you felt really hurt. Was he really that embarrassed to be seen with you.  You looked around 

"I have to go now. " you say and walk away, trying not to cry.

"Wait, stop please. What just happened?" He asks as he stops you.

"You tell me. One second I'm amazing and the next you're embarrassed to be seen with me?!" You ask as you let the tears out. Ross had a guilty look on his face.

"What? No it's not like that at all.."

"Oh it's not?? If I was Laura or Maia you would go down there and make sure someone took our picture. But no, I'm just an ordinary girl!!" You cry out.

"Look go ahead and judge me but you don't know what it will be like. The paparazzi never go away and once they have you in your sight. They won't stop until they get what they want. And when they finally get it they'll turn it into something ugly. They'll ruin everything. "

"They don't have to, you already did. " you say as you leave.

When you get home you cry your eyes out.  And as you cry you slowly went to sleep.

*Next day*

It was your school dance tonight and you really didn't want to go because you don't have a date but your mom and best friend forced you to come.

You sighed and walked into the basketball court where the party was being held. All of a sudden the lights dimmed.

"Y/F/N?? This one is for you. " you heard  a familiar voice say.

You turned and saw Ross up on stage with his band. He started singing.

Can't blame you
For thinking
That you never really knew me at all

I tried to
Deny you
But nothing ever made me feel so wrong

I thought I was protecting you
From everything that I go through
But I know that we got lost along the way

Here I am
With all my heart
I hope you understand

I know i let you down
But I'm never gonna make that mistake again.

By now he was right in front of you looking deep into your eyes. You could tell he was sorry.

You've brought me closer
To who I really am
So come take my hand
I want the world to see
What you mean to me

He talks you hand and kisses it.

What you mean to me

You made me feel like I'm myself
Instead of being someone else
I wanna live that everyday.

I want the work to see what you mean to me
What you mean to me.

He finished. You had an expressionless face. "So what? You think you could just come here and sing to me and everything will be fine?" You ask.

"Uhh.. Yes?" He asks. You raise your eyebrow at him.  "No. No" he corrects.

"I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I never should have called you ordinary. The thing is, you're the most important person in my life, Angel. and I love you!" He says.

You smile slightly at him and kiss him. "I love you too baby. ". You say as your school mates cheer for you two.

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