Riker imagine for palo2419926

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Okay so this is for palo2419926   Hope you liked it gurl!

It was your birthday!! Rydel called you earlier this week saying that Riker was very sad he couldn't make it back home since they were on tour. But Rydel had an amazing idea of flying you to Vancouver to see Riker. You were very excited.

You were currently backstage hanging out with Stormie and Ryland. Everyone knew about this plan but Riker. R5 was on stage playing their hits. Suddenly the music stopped and you heard Rikers voice.

"Wassup Vancouver!!" You heard him shout. Everyone cheered. "Okay so, today is a very special day. Today is the day my favorite person came into this world. I would like to dedicate this song, to the love of my life, Y/N. " he said into the mic.

Your heart melted and a few tears came out. Riker stared singing "Here Comes Forever" knowing this was your favorite song. You smiled to yourself.

After he was done he said: "Happy Birthday Y/N. I really wish you were with me tonight. "

And that was your cue. You went up on stage an told the audience to not say anything. Riker had his back towards you so you ran towards him and hugged him from behind.  "Hey handsome. " you whisper into his ear. He was startled at first and turned around but when he saw you his expressions changed.

"Y/N? Oh My Gosh I CANT BELIEVE YOURE HERE?!" He said happily and engulfed you into a hug. You giggle and hug back. After a few moments you pull away and gaze into each other's eyes. You slowly leaned in and kissed him. That kiss was so passionate and perfect since you hadn't kissed Riker in a long time.

Anything better than a Riker kiss, is a Riker kiss after a long time. You both pull away because Ross said: "okay you two there are kids here. "

Riker smiles at you. "Happy Birthday, Princess. " he says softly.

You smile back. "Thanks baby." You say and peck his cheek. You hop of the stage and waited for the concert to finish.

After it did, Riker practically threw his bass at Ryland and picked you up an spun you around. You giggled and he tightened his grip. You hang your legs on his waist and your arms around his neck. You kissed him again, this time with much force. Lots of tongue was also involved. You guys pulled ways and gasped for air.

"I love you so much princess," Riker whispers.

"I love you too baby." You mumble against his lips as you kiss him again.

Okay hope you liked it!!
Question of the day
Did anyone see the live video of R5 on Facebook? I did!!

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