Becoming Friends

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I have been seeing Light everyday for two weeks now, and I'll admit, my last test I got a C- on, which was an improvement for me. However, when I showed it to him he didn't seem to impressed. At home I turn the T.V. on to hear the latest on the Kira killings. It fascinated me because I had such a high respect for Kira. People call him just a typical vigilante who doesn't really know what justice is, but to me, he is more than that. He is ridding the world of evil, and even statistics have shown that crime rate has gone down since he came to light. God above knows I would do anything to meet him and tell him much I appreciate what he is doing. But unlike every other night where I am invested in the news on Kira, I'm distracted. Maybe Light is right -- I need to start getting into better study habits. I rest my head on a nearby pillow and before I know it, I'm asleep.


Finally, Friday, that day I've been waiting for all week. Me and (B/F/N) are going to binge watch (least favorite T.V. show). We hate the show but that's the best part. We love to make fun of the poor acting and unrealistic story line. We always have a blast when we do these marathons. We order pizza, get junk food, and talk about the usual things best friends talk about.

I see her placing books in her locker and I startle her by taking a strong grasp on her shoulders.

"(F/N), you scared me!" She laughed.

"Haha, sorry! So, I've got the box set of (least favorite show) from the library, and I talked to my mum, she isn't going to be home tonight so we have the house all to ourselves! I was thinking, we could make this extra, extra awesome and do another one of our forts-"

"Uh, (F/N), about that..." (B/F/N) interrupts me. I scrunch my eyebrows. "I can't come tonight."

"What! Why?"

"You know, Kim? Well, she's throwing a party and I want to go."

"Oh... Can I come." (B/F/N) awkwardly rubs her shoulders rocking back in forth on the balls of her feet. She shakes her head, and I feel disappointment rise up in me.

"I-I asked her if you could come but she said she didn't want you to."

"Why not?"

"Well... she thinks you're a loser and that you're weird. She said she didn't want 'a nerd reeking the place' and that you would just bring the mood down by keeping your nose... in a book." I never felt so hurt before. I mean, yeah I've been called names before but, 1) I didn't think wanting to have good grades made you a nerd, 2) I don't have my 'nose in a book' all the time, and 3) (B/F/N) is my best friend. How could she ditch me for someone who says such hurtful things.

"You don't think that, do you?" I thought with her being a good friend she would turn around say, of course not, or even say I'm sorry. But she shrugs.

"Well, you could maybe try and have some fun for once. And by fun, like, go out. You're always either studying or watching the news to hear about Kira. And by fun, I don't mean making lame forts out of cushions and blankets and shit, like having fun." I stare at her blankly. I didn't think forts were lame. Sure, they could be a little childish, but who cares. "I'm sorry, (F/N)." And like that she walks off leaving me dumbfounded.

For the first time in forever, my best friend actually hurt me and made me feel... lame. I never thought that I was lame or a loser or weird. I like to do things just live everyone else. And why does studying make me a loser? When I got to the library with my study session with Light, I barely paid attention. I didn't care at this point what he was saying. At this moment, all I wanted was to go home and just sit in my room, alone. I didn't even feel the single tear fall down my (S/C) cheeks. But he had stopped talking.

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