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I walk back to Light's house to leave him a note. But when I open the door, I hear soft crying coming from his room. Slowly and hesitantly, I walk towards his room where I see Light crying on his side. The room is a mess. He tore the place apart. I didn't really know what to do. He was clutching a picture in his arms, a picture of us that we took at graduation. I slowly walk towards him and rub his arm. He jumps when he feels someone touch him and then grabs me pulling me into an embrace.

"Oh, god, (F/N), I thought I lost you. I didn't mean any of it, I swear, I'm am so f**king sorry, oh god... I don't know what I would do without you. I love you, I'm so, so sorry." I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him gently.

"It's ok, Light."

"No it's not. You're right. You're right about everything. I'm straying away from my goal and because I got angry I hurt you."

"I forgive you Light. I know... I know you didn't mean it."

"I will do anything (F/N) to make this better..."

"Just... you promise you won't do or say anything like that again."

"I promise, my goddess."

"And you have to clean up this room." I felt him giggle against my neck.

"Yes. I'll make it spotless."



I got no sleep last night. It was absolutely terrible, I kept crying thinking about me and Lawliet's fight. It was such a short fight, and yet I was devastated. I walked slowly back to my house since I had stayed the night with (B/F/N); my feet slowly trudging behind me, but when I get close to my house I see smoke coming out through the window. In panic that something happened I sprint into the house to hear the alarm blaring. I run into the commotion to see Lawliet calmly trying to fan a fire with a towel!

I freak and quickly grab some water splashing it on the fire. Lawliet turns his head towards me and give me a cumbersome smile. I sigh and begin to laugh.

"Lawliet, I'm really so-"

He cuts me off by gently kissing me. I melt into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck gently kissing back. Before it can get any rougher, he pulls off of me and pulls me into a firm hug. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, (F/N). You were being a good girlfriend by showing concern. And I should be a good boyfriend and accept it. I tried to make you breakfast but, as you can see, it didn't turn out so well," he said chuckling.

I laughed and took his hand leading him out of the house.

"Why don't we just go out for breakfast instead?"

"Sounds perfect."


I was still absolutely fuming from the fight me and Mello had yesterday, but truth be told, I really cared for him and worried about his sanity right now. He's right, I don't understand what it is like to really want something the way he did. But still, what he said hurt me, and my pride wouldn't let me go and tell him.

I was sitting on the couch when I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door to see Mello. He looked like he got no sleep and his clothes were a mess. He also held a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

"Yes?" I say with no emotion in my voice.

"I'm... so sorry," He says slowly, looking towards the ground. He hands me the flowers and I take them graciously given them a sniff.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask him. "I was worried about you."

"You shouldn't be. I've been worried about you. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. It was wrong of me. Will you please forgive me?"

I smile and pull him into a gentle kiss. "I forgive you. But act that way again and I might not," I say sternly.


I woke up with a terrible headache from all the crying. I sigh going to a mirror to see my mascara smudged terribly and my hair a mess. Mess. I remember the mess downstairs. I look at my watch and see that my parents will be home in about an hour. That's enough time to clean up the mess.

I gasp when I walk downstairs to see the room spotless. All the wrappers had been picked up and the broken glass was gone.

I see Matt sitting on the couch, his hands clasped together and his head bowed. He is crying. I slowly walk to him and sit next to him. When he see's me he jumps pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, (F/N), I'm so sorry. I can't believe I hurt you. I'm a fool. I nearly lost you."
"Hm, yes you did," I mumble, but I gently kiss his cheek. "I forgive you, but you must promise that you will never treat my house as a dump again. Understood?"

"Yes, of course, baby."


The minute he saw the small bruise forming on my chin, Near was a wreck, bawling his eyes out, clinging to my feet, asking for forgiveness. It had been only an hour since our argument. I had forgiven him the moment it happened, but I thought I would use this opportunity to get Near to understand what he did was wrong.

"(F/N), I'm so so so so sorry, will you please forgive me?" He wailed. I smirked.

"Depends." He looks up at me with big puppy eyes. "You have the promise me something."

"Anything. Anything!"

"Next time I ask you to help me find something we can do together, you will help me find something for us to do. I love to play with you and your toys but sometimes it gets a little boring. We can change it up a little bit."

"Of course, of course."

"Then you are forgiven."He jumps up kissing me over and over again. I love him dearly.

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