Moving In

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You were at Light's apartment drinking a cup of tea while he was writing names down in his death note and Ryuk was next to you tossing apples back and forth in his hands before eating them. While you watch Light, you couldn't help but notice he seemed distracted. So being the good girlfriend you are, you walked over to him and plopped yourself in his lap to ask him what is wrong.

"You seem distracted, are you ok?" You asked him. He gave you a small smile before stroking your cheek gently.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Light."

"And you have to answer me honestly."

"Why wouldn't I?" Light took a deep breath before closing the notebook.

"Will you move in with me?" Your eyes widen slightly. Of course, you have thought yourself how much you would like to move in with Light. He is your boyfriend after all and you have the see yourself spending the rest of your lift with him. You smiled and pulled him into a tight hug. 

"Yes!" Light chuckled and wrapped his arms around you holding you close.

"Was I not a good enough roommate?" You hear Ryuk ask from the other side of the room. Both you and Light looked at him to see bits of apples hanging out of his mouth and you erupted into a fit of laughter.


You walk into Lawliet's room with two bags, each carrying cake. "I come bearing food!" You say happily. Lawliet turns around beams at the sight. You sit down next to him and pull out the two cakes: One chocolate and one strawberry.

"Thank you, (F/N)," He says sweetly whilst giving your hand a gentle squeeze. For the next few minutes, you both sit in comfortable silence while eating your cake. You rest your head against Lawliet's shoulder. There has been one thought that has been going around in your head for weeks now, and you were considering mentioning it to him. However, you didn't know how he would react or if he would even want to do it.

You wanted to move in with him.

Or just get a house together. You finally got enough money to leave your home and get an apartment of such and you wanted Lawliet to be with you. But you didn't think an apartment was really a place he would want to live in. 

"Are you ok?" You hear him ask. You take a deep breath and decide it best that you come straight out with it.

"Do you want to live with me?"

He stops eating and looks down at you. "You want to live with me?" You nodd. For a few moments, he just stares down at you but then he smiles and wraps his arm around your waist. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind that."


Mello seemed particularly happy today that it weirded you out. He was sharing his chocolate with you, and he was complimenting you more than usual. Plus, he kept walking around with a large smile on his face. Finally, you stopped him and asked him what was up.

"Am I not aloud to compliment my beautiful girlfriend?" He asked kissing you deeply. You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Of course you are allowed to but you just seem to be doing it more often than usual."

"Well maybe I have a reason to be happy?"

"Care to share the reason."

At this his smile seemed to falter and turn to a frown. "I don't know, now I'm nervous on what you might say."

"Just say it and we'll find out."

"Ok." He takes me hand and leads me to a bench to sit me down. His smile comes back but he seems nervous. "How would you like... ok, let me start over," He says stuttering a bit. "I got an apartment and it's pretty big and it would be lonely if it was just me. You know so... f*** it, will you move in with me?" You stare at him in shock before grinning.

"Yes, my Yellow-Mello. I will move in with you."


"Hey, (F/N)?"


You two were at the arcade playing air hockey. You were winning by one point. "I gotta ask you something. Will you move in with me?" You look up in shock giving him the perfect chance to score against you. "Aha!" He shouts triumphantly. You drop the puck and cross your arms.

"That's not fair."

"How is it not fair?"

"You tricked me so you could score against me," You pout staring towards the ground. You have wanted to ask Matt about moving in but you were extremely hesitant. One, because you thought he wouldn't be interested, and two, he wasn't the tidiest person and you like a nice and tidy house. Matt walks over to you and tilts your head up so he can kiss you.

"Who said I was tricking you?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

"Well, then yes. I will move in with you."


You and Near build a puzzle with light music on in the background. While building the puzzle, Near can't help but notice your slightly distressed look. He of course, was extremely concerned and worried something is wrong.

"Are you ok, doll?" He asks you with his big doe eyes. You look up and give him a smile.

"Of course I am."

"You seem distressed. Is something bothering you? You know you can tell me if something is," Near says tentatively. You sigh and put down the puzzle piece you were holding.

"Near? Have you ever considered, you know, wanting to live together?" You ask him. He gasps at your question and you instantly regret asking it. "Forget I said anything," you say with a sad smile.

"N-no. Wait. You want to live with me?"

"Well, yes. I love you. I want to take the next step."

Nears smiles a hundred bolts as he pulls you against him in a death gripping hug. "Oh, (F/N), of course I want to live with you! We'll get a house and everything. It will be perfect." You laugh slightly wrapping your arms around him, playing with his hair and kissing his cheek.

"I can't wait." 



A/N: Some shameless self promotion!! Go check out my new story I posted yesterday, "Anime: The Musical." If you like musicals and anime, I highly suggest you read the first two posts ;) 

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