When You're on Your Period

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I walk through the school hallways with my head down, gripping my stomach, and trying my best not to cry. My period have always been... extra. I seem to only get them every few months due to so much stress, and when I do get them, they are always excruciating. I go to the school library and lay down on a chair pulling out a book.

I can hardly concentrate.

Suddenly warm arms wrap around me. I smile and look at Light giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hello, my goddess," he says sweetly making me blush like crazy.

"Hi, Li-oh god." I grasp my stomach as I topple over in pain. In an instant Light is in front of me.

"Are you ok?" He asks panicked.

"Yeah, it's just.... My period," I mumble as another cramp hits. I hear him sigh before he picks me up and places me on the ground. He then sits on the chair and places me in between his legs. Before I can ask what he is doing he starts to massage my shoulders which calms me and distracts me from the pain in my stomach.

"Better?" He asks.



Last night I was working late with Lawliet helping sort files on the Kira case so he told me I could stay the night at his hotel since it was too late to walk home. When I woke up in the morning I yawned and did a little stretch, but when I crawled out the bed I gasped.

S***. My damn period came a week early! The white linen sheets now had numerous spots of blood. I really hope Lawliet doesn't see this. I quickly start pulling at the sheets and putting them into a basket, wrapping them up in a way Lawliet won't be able to see.

I then quickly get into the shower and start to clean myself up a bit. When I get out, to my dismay, I see Lawliet holding the sheets and staring at the blood.

"Are you menstruating?" He asks. I huff rushing over and pulling the sheets out of his hands.

"Why are you saying it like that? Yes, I'm on my period," I snap. I instantly feel guilty for snapping at him but...

"I was right!" He says enthusiastically.

"We were all theorizing why you were so moody this week. It's because you were menstruating." I stare at him in shock before I begin to cry knowing I was a pain to everyone all week. "Oh, no, don't cry," Lawliet says awkwardly before pulling me into a hug.


I would have respected Mello's request to never go into his stash of chocolate but today I just couldn't help it. My cramps were killing me, my emotions were running, and I was craving some chocolate. While he was asleep on the couch I go to his room to get his chocolate. Just as I thought, it was only hidden in a draw. As I reach my hand in to pick up a hershey bar, I am suddenly yanked back and the draw is pushed shut.

"What the hell, (F/N)!" Mello shouts.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted one bit of chocolate."

"I told you this is my chocolate!" I get angrier by the second.

"Why can't you share with your girlfriend, you bastard?" I shout.

"What did you call me?"

"BASTARD. All I wanted was some chocolate. I'm in so much pain right now and you really can't just let me have one bit of your chocolate?"

"Why are you in pain?"
"I'm on my period!" I shout. Mello sighs before taking my hand gently changing my mood instantly.

"Well, why don't I take you to get some chocolate of your own?"



"DIE SWINE!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I flick the bird across the screen towards the pigs. "Yes!" I shout triumphantly. All the way on the other side of the couch sits Matt, afraid to come any closer towards me.

"Are you going to be like this every time you get your period?" Matt asks hesitently. I glare at him before continuing my game.

This time I am not so triumphant as I am unable to get rid of any of the pigs in Angry Birds. I angrily slam my phone on the ground and roll up into a ball. I feel the couch sink next to me. I look over to see Matt who leans down to kiss my forehead and wrap a blanket around me.

"Don't worry, you will get them next time," he says sweetly.


I haven't gotten out of my bed once today, and I don't plan on it. My cramps have been hurting like crazy. I can barely move without feeling a sharp twinge in my lower abdomen. My mother keeps checking on me, so of course I had assumed when the door opened again and I heard footsteps that it was my mother. But it is then that I hear the sweet voice of Near.

"Doll, are you alright?" I hear Near ask frantically. I feel the bed sink as he sits next time playing with my hair.

"Yeah, I'm just on my period." He instantly stops and I hear him leave the room. Huh. I don't think too much of it. I would run too if I were him. But a little while later he returns but this time with a bag.

"I thought I would get you some things." He pulls out a can of soup, a heating pad, a movie, some chocolates, and gummy bears. I smile and pull him into a hug.

"You're the best, Near."

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