When You Get A Pet

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Pet You Get: A Kitten!

Although you didn't think Light would be too upset, you still didn't want to anger him by bringing a kitten to the apartment, but you just couldn't help it! You found the little kitten in a window at a department store and you just had to take him. The kitten was small with orange fur and little black spots. He was absolutely adorable. You were playing with the kitten on the bed you and Light shared when Light walked in and cringed slightly. Ryuk, automatically broke into laughter.

"Why is there a kitten on our bed?" Light asked.

"I know, I know I didn't ask you first but I couldn't not adopt him. I mean, look at him! He's so adorable," You say handing Light the kitten. He tentatively holds the kitten and rubs its head.

"Well, I guess he is cute. What's his name?"

"I thought I would leave that up to you."

Light hums a little and looks into the kitten's eyes before smiling. "Grendel."

(A/N: I've always wanted to name a cat Grendel! BEOWULF!!!!!!!!)


Pet You Get: A Dog! (specifically a German-Sheppard)

The moment you brought the large dog into the living room, Lawliet practically jumped up from the floor onto the chair away from dog.

"What is that, (F/N)?"

You laugh. "A dog, Lawliet."

"Why is there a dog in our house?"

"I know I should have asked first but my aunt and uncle can't take care of her anymore so they asked for me to take her in. I'm sorry, but please let her stay." Lawliet did not want a dog in the house. He feared the dog ruining things, or getting in the way of work, but he could never say no to you and he could see the pleading look on your face. He sighs and nods his head in which you squeal and jump into his arms.

"What is her name?" Lawliet asks.


"Interesting name."


Pet You Get: Two Rats

"When I agreed to us getting a pet, I thought you would go and get a cat or something, not two rats," Mello says staring down at the pet cage holding one white rat and another black rat. You smile putting the cage on the ground and pulling out the two rats gently.

"This is Eurymachus," you say holding up the white rat, "and this is Amphinomus," you say holding up the black rat.

"You named the rats after suitors in The Odyssey?" Mello asks astounded. You nod your head happily. Mello chuckles and sits on the ground with you. "I love you more and more everyday," He says taking Eurymachus in his hands.

"They're brother and sister too."

"Good, so they won't make more rats, right?" Mello asks furrowing his brow.

You laugh a little. "Let's hope not."


Pet You Get: A Snake!

You giggle as the pet snake you adopted a few hours ago slithered around up your arm. Matt walked in and practically screamed when he saw the snake. He ran to prowl it off of you, worried you were in danger, but you quickly stopped him and assured him everything was alright.

"I didn't know you could keep snakes as pets," Matt says slightly annoyed while standing as far away from the snake.

"Really, Matt? You're a genius and you didn't know that you could adopt snakes from pet co?" You ask laughing at him. He just rolls his eyes. "Don't worry, babe, you won't even have to go near Oedipus. I will do all the feeding, the cleaning of the cage, all that sort of stuff."

"Oedipus? You named the snake Oedipus?"


He sighed rubbing his temple before slowly walking towards you and reaching his hand out. "I would like to hold Oedipus," he says hesitantly. You gladly let the snake roam up your boyfriend's arm.


Pet You Get: A Fish

You and Near sit quietly for twenty minutes or so watching the golden fish, Tiresias, that you bought from the pet store swim around it's small bowl. "This is boring," Near says after awhile. You try to feed the fish more food in hope that it will do something, but Near stops you saying that if you feed it too much food, the fish will die. "Why did you get a fish? You should have got a bird."

"Oh, please. A bird would have annoyed the hell out of you."

"I guess you're right." You both turn back to the fish, and watch it for another five minutes. "Can we do something?" Near asks.

"With the fish?"

"No, just something in general. This is extremely boring. Let's build a puzzle!" He says excitedly. You laugh and take his hand walking towards the cabinet holding all your puzzles.

"Can it be a puzzle of a fish?"

"Sure, I don't care." 

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