He Asks You to be His Girlfriend

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After the little hangout at my house, me and Light become closer. He had become less mean and even kind. We got into this habit of sitting with each other at lunch and lingering over the ending time of our tutor sessions. My math grade had even made it's way up to a C! I had never been happy. I also finally admitted to myself after a month that I had a crush on Light. I sometimes thought he had one on me too but I couldn't tell. He was really good and hiding his feelings.

One day after school, Light asked me to come over to study at his house. He said he was getting bored of the school library. At his house I met his sister and parents. I learned that his father was a police officer working on the Kira case. I did my best to not say anything.

Light led me to his room where we began our tutor session. However, I could tell there was something distracting him. He had a look of distress on his face as if he was debating something inside his head. His brown eyes kept wobbling back and forth between me and the book.

He shut my book abruptly.

"(F/N), you're a supporter of Kira, right?" I stare at him in shock that he came out with that. I tried to keep it a secret that I supported Kira due to the fact a lot of people in school were against him.

"Uh.. yes, I am... are you, going to-"

"Wait. What would you do if you had the chance to meet Kira?"

"Um... I don't know, really. I guess, thank him? Where are you going-"

"Would you want to help him?" At this point I was sure he was trying to set me up or he was going to tell me I was disgusting because his father was working to stop Kira, and surely, Light must be against Kira too.

"Why are you asking me this?" I finally ask. He pulls me off of the bed and takes my hands in his. He stares into my eyes so intensely, I don't know what to think of it.

"I'm gonna tell you something. But you have to promise me you won't tell a soul, I f***ing mean it, (F/N), you can't tell anyone." His grip tightened on my hands and I nod slowly. He took a deep breath. "I'm Kira."

I stay silent for a few second before I break out laughing. But I see the seriousness in his face and I stop. "Are you serious?" He nods. "Prove it."

He brings me to a desk where he pulls out a slim black book with the words Death Note written on it. "In here is where I right all the names of the people I decide are no longer worthy of life." He opened it up to where every victim's name was written, some with long descriptions after it. "I wouldn't think this would be enough proof for you, so touch it."


"Touch it!" I jump and quickly touch the book. In that moment he spins me around to where I am face to face with a shinigami! "This is Ryuk. A shinigami, he gave me the book." I'm about to scream but then I stop myself. Instead I pace around the room. Oh my god he really is, my friend, the guy I have a crush on is... Kira!

"Oh my god, it's really you! You're K-"

"Shhh!" Light laughs as he comes towards me putting his hand over my mouth. "Don't blow my cover," he says still laughing slightly. I quickly grab him and pull him into an embrace.

"... Thank you," I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"No. Thank you," I hear him say. He gently takes my face in his hands, a look of want hidden in his eyes. "I will rid this world of evil, I will make it a better place for everyone.. For you. You have only made me more determined to make this place safer, happier, lighter, for lack of better word! I will be a god of this world. Will you, (F/N), be my goddess."

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