When He's Sick

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{From now on, I've decided to write in present tense (you, your,'s)}


The moment you entered Light's, house you heard coughing from his room. You went upstairs to check if he was ok, and couldn't help but chuckle when you see him coughing profoundly over his Death Note. He looked towards you, his face a bright pink, and a meek grin on his face. "Hi, (F/N), how are you?" He says between coughs.

You sigh giving him a loving smile before pulling him away from his Death Note and putting him on his bed. You quickly go downstairs to find him some cough medicine and make some soup. When you return to his room, you find him asleep snuggled under the blankets, a few coughs released here and there. You laugh and gently kiss the top of his head sitting on the other side of the bed where you read a nearby book and talk to Ryuk every-so-often.


Your dear boyfriend, Lawliet, refused to admit he was sick, even though his nose was a bright red, he was sniffling constantly, and sweat was dripping down his forehead. It astounded you on how he could concentrate at all on his works. You walk in with a cup of his favorite tea and slice of cake to find him rubbing his nose with the back of his sleeve staring at the screens. He smiles meekly as you place the treats down in front of him.

"Thank you, (F/N)," he says softly blowing a small kiss. You giggle and sit next to him, a reasonable distant away since you don't want to get sick yourself. For the rest of the day, you enjoy taking care of Lawliet by getting him more tea or finding him a tissue. And every time you do something for him he tells you how he will make it up to you, even though you always respond there is no need for him to worry.


Was it too much chocolate or just a stomach bug? Who knows. But as of now you were holding back the semi-long blonde hair of Mello's as he emptied everything in his stomach into the toilet. Everytime he would come back up, almost ready to say something, he would suddenly lunge over to get sick in the toilet. You felt terrible since you didn't really know what to do for him. By the time he was really done, Mello was light headed. Usually Mello could be really cocky but as of now he could hardly handle a grin.

You help him into his room and lay him under the covers before rushing to get a cold cloth and a thermometer. You come upstairs to see him extremely pale and hardly able to keep his eyes on. You put the rag on his forehead and take his temperature. 101. You presume it is probably just a 24 hour flu, so you turn on the television for you two to watch (or more for you to watch since he keeps dozing off) and stay with him all day. Later in the day you feel Mello tap your head. You look down and see him smile weakly. "I love you, (F/N)."


"No more video games. You need to rest," you declare to Matt who grumbles weakly while sprawled on the couch. It is allergy season, and it seems to be messing with Matt quite a lot today. He was sniffling, coughing, his eyes were bloodshot, and he complains of a terrible headache. You help him get to his room and gently ly him on his bed. The minute his head touches the pillow he is out like a light, snoring peacefully.

You smile since he looks quite adorable wrapped in blankets, even if he is sick. You go downstairs and make some soup and toast. You leave them on the bedside and chuckle slightly before giving his cheek a quick peck. You then leave him to rest and go downstairs to play some video games. A few hours later he comes down to complain about you playing without him.


Near called you because he thought he was dying. For someone who is so smart, he can be kinda dumb. Apparently, he had never been sick before and this was all knew to him. He had a terrible stomach pain and kept throwing up in the toilet. You, being the good girlfriend you are, of course came over to Whammy's house to take care of him.

Once you got him to calm down and assured him that he wasn't dying but merely sick, you got him into bed. Well, first you had to convince him to put pajamas on so he would be warmer. He did after a bit of fussing, and then crawled into bed. You also brought a bucket in case he threw up again. Then you went to get him toast and some tea incase he became hungry. You sat on the other side of the bed talking with him endlessly while he would occasionally lunge over to be sick again. At the end of the day, when he was feeling better, he hesitantly wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. "Thank you for spending the day with me." You smile and tell him that you love him. 

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